
Retrieves the first field from the specified columns and moves the value to the bottom.

C Language

VTCERR2 lrvtc_rotate_messages1 ( char *columnNames, char *delimiter,  char *sendflag );

C# Language

void vts.rotate_messages ( string columnNames, string delimiter, string sendflag );

Java Language

int Lrvtc.rotate_messages1 ( String columnNames, String delimiter, int sendFlag );
Query Functions


columnNamesThe column name, separated by the delimiter.
delimiterThe character that separates the column names and values in the lists. If a string, rather than a single character, is passed in delimiter, the string as a whole is the delimiter.
sendflagSpecify how the value is added back to bottom. One of:
  • VTSEND_SAME_ROW - Send all the data to the same row.
  • VTSEND_STACKED - The data is sent to availables field at the bottom of each column.
  • VTSEND_STACKED_UNIQUE - If the value of the first field already exists elsewhere in the column, the top field is retrieved and then discarded. Otherwise, data is sent to an available field at the bottom of the column.

lrvtc_rotate_messages1 retrieves the data in the first field of each specified columns, and stores it in a parameter with the same name as the source column. The data is removed from each first field and moved to the bottom of each column as specified by the sendFlag.

If there is no data in a cell, the output is NULL.

Return Values

C Language:   Returns zero on success or one of the Error Codes.

C# Language: No return value.

Java Language:   Returns zero on success or one of the Error Codes.


All string input arguments can be passed using standard parameterization.

C Language Example

    lrvtc_rotate_messages1("Country,City",",", VTSEND_STACKED);

C# Language Example

.Net Single Connection Example

Java Language Example

Java Single Connection Example