Citrix Synchronization Functions

Functions automatically generated by VuGen

Wait until the specified object's attributes have the specified value.
Waits until specified text is displayed in the specified area.
Waits for a window to become created or active.

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Functions which can be manually inserted by user

Sets the waiting time for all Citrix ICA wait functions.
Waits for a window to appear in the Citrix client.
Waits for a window to appear in the Citrix client for a specified amount of time.
Waits until a bitmap appears.
Waits until a bitmap changes.
Wait until the specified object's attributes have the specified value.
Waits until specified text is displayed around the specified position.
Waits until specified text is displayed in the specified area.
Waits until specified text is displayed in the specified rectangle, using optical character recognition.
Waits for a window to become created or active.
Waits for a window to close in the Citrix client.
Waits for a specified event to occur.
Checks if a window is visible on the screen.

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