
ExampleGeneral Functions

Saves the demarcated bitmap in a buffer.

int ctrx_save_bitmap( long x_start, long y_start, long width, long height, const char *file_name );

x_startThe horizontal distance, in pixels, of the bitmap's top left edge from the left border of the ICA client window
y_startThe vertical distance, in pixels, of the bitmap's top left edge from the upper border of the ICA client window
widthThe width, in pixels, of the bitmap
heightThe height, in pixels, of the bitmap
file_nameThe name of the bmp file to save

ctrx_save_bitmap saves the bitmap to a file. The file is saved in the Vuser results log directory.

Return Values

Citrix ICA Return Values


The parameter value can be parameterized.


This example saves a bitmap.

    // The location and dimensions of the bit map
    int x = 12, y = 106, wd = 22, ht = 27; 
    /* Capture the bitmap value for the left arrow
    The bitmap is saved in the Vuser results log directory. */
    ctrx_save_bitmap(x, y, wd, ht,"lftArrow.bmp");