
Example: pop3_logonPost Office Protocol Vuser Functions (POP3)

Logs on to a POP3 server.

int pop3_logon( char *transaction, char *url, [char* LocalAddr, char* STARTTLS ,] LAST );
transaction A transaction name for this step in quotes. To instruct VuGen not to create a transaction for this step, use a NULL string, "".
url The URL of the POP3 server, in the FTP format style:"URL=pop3://username:password@server[:port]"
LocalAddr Optional: Sets the preferred IP address of the client <ip_addr>[:<port>]. This option is useful for IP spoofing. Use the following format:
STARTTLS Optional: Indicates that POP3's StartTLS (Start Transport Layer Security) extension must be activated on the session. If the parameter is set, then the POP3 protocol's 'STARTTLS' command will be issued on the session during logon and connection will be switched to TLS mode. Use the following format :
LAST A marker indicating the end of the argument list.

The pop3_logon function logs on to a POP3 server. It uses the format used by the FTP protocol.

This function is for use with global sessions. For multiple sessions, use the pop3_logon_ex function, which allows you to specify a session identifier.

pop3_delete function, which leaves out the session identifier.

Return Values

If this function succeeds, it returns LR_PASS. Otherwise, it returns LR_FAIL.


The following argument(s) can be parameterized with standard parameterization: url