Example: web_set_certificate_ex

In the following example, the web_set_certificate_ex function provides information about the certificate's location, type, and password.

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     LAST );


An example using CertThumbprint:

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     LAST );

Note: You can use any of CertFilePath, CertIndex and CertThumbprint to locate a certificate. The API will only process one of them, in the following order of precedence: CertFilePath, CertThumbprint, CertIndex. For example, in the following case, CertIndex will be ignored.

web_set_certificate_ex("CertIndex=8", "CertThumbprint=cd610c0b387c6eb670e2c564abb44ead2a3186d9", LAST);

In the following example, the web_set_certificate_ex function clears a previously set certificate. Because the certificate cannot be cleared for a working TLS session, the web_set_sockets_option function is called first in order to stop and reset the working TLS session:

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web_set_sockets_option("CLOSE_KEEPALIVE_CONNECTIONS", "1");
web_set_sockets_option("SSL_VERSION", "AUTO");