
Removes all cookies currently stored by the Vuser.

C Language

int web_cleanup_cookies( );

Java Language

intobject.cleanup_cookies( );
An expression evaluating to an object of type WebApi. Usually web for Java. See also Function and Constant Prefixes.

Return Values

This function returns LR_PASS (0) on success, and LR_FAIL (1) on failure.


Parameterization is not applicable to this function.

General Information

The web_cleanup_cookies function removes all the cookies that are currently stored for use by the script.

Note: Scripts do not use (access or modify) the cookies that are stored by your browser. Instead, each Vuser uses the cookies that are sent to the Vuser by the server host at runtime. These cookies are maintained only while the script runs. The web-cookie functions (web_add_cookie, web_remove_cookie, and web_cleanup_cookies) manipulate these temporary cookies, and do not affect cookies stored by your browser.

This function is supported for all web scripts.