
Example: lrs_get_buffer_by_nameBuffer Functions

Gets a buffer and its size for the specified buffer descriptor.

int lrs_get_buffer_by_name( char *buf_desc, char **data, int *size );
buf_desc A descriptor identifying a buffer.
data A pointer to the buffer containing the data.
size A pointer to the size (in bytes) of the data.

The lrs_get_buffer_by_name function gets a binary buffer and the length of the binary representation of the data for the specified the buffer descriptor. Note that the data buffer is not NULL terminated.

This function is not recorded during a WinSock session—you manually insert it into your script. In addition, you must declare variables to store the buffer and its size, before calling lrs_get_buffer_by_name. Declare a character pointer for the data parameter, and an integer for the size parameter. Note that the memory for the buffer is allocated automatically, but you must free the memory after you use this function using lrs_free_buffer .

Return Values

Windows Sockets Return Values


You cannot use standard parameterization for any arguments in this function.