lsrules Command
Displays the include/exclude rules for a workspace or a stream. Seelsrules for more information.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> XML declaration
<AcResponse root element of the XML output
Command="lscomp" internal name for the set (kind) of rules returned by the lsrules command
TaskId="1292"> the ID of the task associated with the command
kind="incl" the type of rule associated with the element: clear, incl, incldo, excl
elemType="dir" the element type
dir="yes" whether or not the element is a directory
location="\.\" the element’s location
setInStream="phoenix_n" the name of the stream in which the rule was set
options="1"/> indicates whether rules were created using AccuRev 4.5.3 or later
0= created using a version of AccuRev earlier than version 4.5.3
1= created using AccuRev 4.5.3 or later