
change a stream


accurev chstream -s <stream> <new-name>
accurev chstream -s <stream> [ -b <new-backing-stream> ] 
[ -t <time-spec> ]
accurev chstream -s <stream> [ -b <new-backing-stream> ] 
[ -t <time-spec> ] <new-name>


The chstream command can change any of these specifications of an existing stream:

  • the name of the stream (see Entity Names for information on naming streams)
  • the basis time of the stream
  • the backing stream: the other stream on which the stream is based

Such changes apply only from the current time forward — it is impossible to change the past. Thus, queries that refer to the past will use the old characteristics of the stream.

Note: Although chstream enables you to give a new name to a stream, you cannot then create a new stream with the old name. The old name remains associated with its stream. The only way to reuse a stream name is to completely remove the stream’s depot from the AccuRev repository, using the AccuRev administration utility, maintain. This utility is documented in the AccuRev Admin Guide.


-s <stream>

(required) Specify the stream to be changed.

-b <backing-stream>

Specify a new backing stream for the stream to be changed.

-t <time-spec>

Specify a new basis time for the stream. A time-spec can be any of the following:

  • Time in <"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS"> format, "2007/08/07 20:27:15", for example. Note that you must use quotes when specifying time-spec as YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS to ensure that the entire argument is interpreted by the command shell as a single token.
  • Time keyword: now
  • Transaction number as a positive integer: e.g. 146 or 23965
  • Transaction number keyword: highest

Use the time keyword none to remove a stream’s basis time. You cannot set a basis time for a pass-through stream.

When using the –t option, take into account the possibility of a timewarp. The AC_SYNC environment variable (see AccuRev User Preferences) determines how a timewarp will be handled. See also System Clock Synchronization in the AccuRev Admin Guide.


Rename a stream:

> accurev chstream -s tulip_dvt tulip_development

Change the backing stream of stream emergency_1017:

> accurev chstream -s emergency_1017 -b gizmo_beta

See Also

mkstream, remove (stream), show (streams)