The Slices Tab

The Slices tab shows the physical storage locations of the depots in the AccuRev repository. If the repository is replicated, it shows the locations of the depots in the local replica repository only.

Opening a Slices Tab

Choose Admin > Slices from the GUI main menu.

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Slices tab layout

The Slices tab contains a multi-column table, which includes the following fields:



(appears if Include deactivated trees is checked) Active indicates that the depot is available for use. Inactive indicates that the depot has been permanently removed from the repository. (The maintain rmdepot command permanently and irreversibly removes a depot from the repository. See "Removing a Depot from the AccuRev Repository" in the AccuRev Admin Help.)


The unique integer that identifies a particular depot. This identifier cannot be modified.


The pathname of the slice's top-level directory. This location can be changed — for example, to move the depot to a larger and/or faster disk.

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Working in a Slices Tab

You can control the display of removed depots. See also: Working with Tables.

Controlling Which Slices are Displayed

Include deactivated trees

If checked, the table includes the slices of depots that have been permanently deactivated with the maintain utility (see the AccuRev Admin Help). This also adds a Status column; removed depots have Inactive status, and are shaded.

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