Commands Available in the Change Palette

The commands available to you in the Change Palette vary whether you are in Issue and Transaction Mode or Issue Mode.

File and Transaction Mode

Remove from Change Palette

Remove the selected entry(s). You can clear entries from either pane. This capability helps you to keep track of your work (and the work that you've decided not to do).


(available only if the destination is a dynamic stream)

Specified Versions pane: promote the selected version(s) to the destination stream.

Merged Versions pane: promote the selected version(s) from the workspace listed in the Merged in Workspace column to its backing stream.

Send to Workspace

(available only if the destination is a workspace)

Performs a Send to Workspace command on the selected version(s) in the destination workspace. (see Send to Workspace.)


Merge the selected version(s) with the corresponding version(s) in the destination stream, creating the merged version(s) in the workspace listed in the Resolve overlaps in workspace field. When the command finishes, the entry(s) are cleared from the Specified Versions pane, and entry(s) for the newly created version(s) are added to the Merged Versions pane.


Performs a Patch command from each selected version to the corresponding version in the destination workspace, or in a workspace that you select below the destination stream. When the command finishes, the entry(s) are cleared from the Specified Versions pane.

Resolve Twin Status

Provides a wizard and other tools to help you resolve an element’s (twin) status. See Resolving (twin) Status for more information.

Browse Versions

Open a Version Browser tab, showing all the versions of the selected element, and their interrelationships (ancestry).

Diff Against Basis

Compares the selected version with the version in the destination stream or workspace.


Displays information about the selected element. The data items displayed vary with the type of element.

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Issue Mode


Cross-promote any issues that are ready to be promoted and which do not require a merge or patch operation.


Open a separate Edit Form to view/revise the currently selected issue record.

Show Dependencies

Opens the Issue Dependencies tab which you can use to propagate issue change packages to other streams and to view the set of issue records on which the selected records depend.


Performs a Patch from the Change Package of each selected issue to the element versions in the destination workspace, or in a workspace that you select below the destination stream.


Performs a Merge from the Change Package of each selected issue with the corresponding version(s) in the destination stream.

Browse Versions

Open a Version Browser tab, showing all the versions of the selected element, and their interrelationships (ancestry).

Diff Against Basis

Compares the selected version with the version in the destination stream or workspace.

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