
This kandoMaintain command creates a backup of the GitCentric database and writes the backup file to the directory from which the backupdbs command was run. The backup file can be moved to any location after that. Each backup file is given a unique file name, such as kando_<timestamp>.backup, where the timestamp is in the format of yyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss:ms (2012-03-16_15:51:11.487, for example).

The backupdbs command uses PostgreSQL pg_dump, which is located in the PostgreSQL /bin directory. Before running backupdbs, make sure that the PostgreSQL /bin directory is specified in your system path.


kandoMaintain backupdbs -u <dbadmin> -P <dbpass>


The following table lists the options for this command.

-u <dbadmin>

The database administration user. This is the same user name as specified during installation (default is postgres). If this is required by the command you are using but you do not include it, kandoMaintain prompts you for it.

-P <dbpass>

The database administration password. This is the same user password as specified during installation. If this is required by the command you are using but you do not include it, kandoMaintain prompts you for it. If you write scripts that incorporate this option, be sure to secure the file against unauthorized access.

-c <dbconnectstring>

The database connection string: jdbc:postgresql://<host>:<port>/<dbname>

If you do not specify -c for a command that requires it, kandoMaintain assumes the default value jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5075/kando. If you do specify -c, then jdbc:postgresql:// is required as a minimum. Partial connection strings will have default values automatically supplied. For example, if you specify jdbc:postgresql://, kandoMaintain assumes a <host> of localhost, a <port> value of 5075 and a <dbname> of kando.

-Fc <path>

The path to a text file (such as <gc_home>/dbsettings.conf) containing values for three of the parameters used by kandoMaintain. The contents of this file should include:

  • DB_USER=<dbadmin> Eliminates the need for -u on the command line.
  • DB_PASS=<dbpassword> Eliminates the need for -P on the command line.
  • DB_CONNECT=<dbconnectstring> Eliminates the need for -c on the command line.

For example:



DB_CONNECT =dbc:postgresql://localhost:5075/kando

Note: The settings and the values accepted by this configuration file can change without notice from release to release.

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