
ALM provides you with analysis tools enabling you to analyze and display ALM data in various formats.

Higher-level task: This task is part of a higher-level task. For details, see ALM lifecycle.

In this topic:

Analysis types

You analyze ALM data by creating graphs, project reports, and Excel reports. You can also create dashboards to display multiple graphs side-by-side. In addition, you can create Live Analysis graphs to display a dynamic graphic representation of data related to test plans and test sets.

Analysis Type Description
Entity graphs

Each graph is based on a single entity only, such as requirements or defects, and enables you to view any of the entity's attributes.

When creating an entity graph, you can use several graph types. When viewing entity graphs, you can drill down to the records represented by each bar or segment.

Composite graphs

You can create a composite graph to view and compare data among two or three graphs at the same time.

Business view graphs A graph based on a business view represents either a single entity or multiple entities, and reflects business value information only.
Project Planning and Tracking (PPT) graphs When working with PPT, you can create and customize graphs in the Analysis View module, relating to KPI data in the Releases module.
Project reports Project reports enable you to design and generate comprehensive reports containing information from your ALM project.
Health reports

The ALM health reports help monitor and manage the progress status of the following:

  • Blocked Tests

  • Defects Aging

  • Failed Tests without Defects

  • Project Progress

  • Requirements Coverage

  • Test Summary

  • Test Execution - Planned vs. Actual

Business Views Microsoft Excel reports

You can create and modify Business View Excel reports in Microsoft Excel. This enables you to analyze your data using any of the capabilities available in Excel, and then upload the report to ALM.

Microsoft Excel reports

You can export ALM data to Microsoft Excel. This enables you to analyze your data using any of the capabilities available in Excel.

By default, you cannot create Excel reports. You can view and edit existing Excel reports from previous versions of ALM.

Dashboards You can group together selected graphs and view them in a single display.
Live Analysis graphs Live Analysis enables you to create and display dynamic charts illustrating test subject data, test set folder data, and business component subject data.

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Organize analysis items and dashboards

Analysis items can be any of the following analysis types: graphs, project reports, health reports, and Excel reports. You can organize your analysis items and dashboards under the Private, Public, and Shared root folders.

Private folder Analysis items and dashboards that you create in a private folder are accessible only to you.
Public folder

Analysis items and dashboards that you create in a public folder are accessible to all users.

Public dashboards can include only public graphs.

Note: Analysis items and dashboards in public folders may show different results for different users, depending on the data hiding definitions for the user group.

Shared folder Dashboard items are displayed under a shared folder if they were shared as templates across projects. For details on sharing as templates across projects, see Cross project customization.

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See also: