Project reports

Project reports enable you to design and generate comprehensive reports containing information from your ALM project.

In this topic:

Project reports overview

You can generate project reports in HTML, Microsoft Word, or PDF formats. In a project report, you define sections and sub-sections, each listing records of a specified ALM entity. You can choose to display data of a selected baseline.

To each report section, you assign a template that determines the fields and layout of the section. You also assign document and style templates that determine the overall report appearance.

Note: Report templates are managed in Project Customization. For details, see Create and design project report templates.

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Predefined project reports

The following predefined reports are available in the Requirements, Test Plan, Test Lab, Defects, and Business Components modules.


  • If you have the required administrator permissions, you can configure the predefined reports in the Analysis View module > Analysis Menus tab. You can also add reports or delete predefined reports.
  • By default, predefined project reports do not display filter information. To include filter information, edit the current template to include the Section Filter field, or create a new template for the report where this field is included. For details, see Create and design project report templates.

Requirements module reports

The following reports are available for the Requirements module:



Standard Requirement Report

Lists the requirements that appear in the current requirements view.

Tabular Report

Displays the requirements that appear in the current requirements view, in a grid format.

The tabular report does not display the hierarchy and nesting of child requirements.

Requirements with Coverage Tests

Lists the requirements that appear in the current requirements view, with their test coverage information.

Requirements with Coverage Tests and steps

Lists the requirements that appear in the current requirements view, with their test coverage information. It also displays the test steps for each tests coverage.

Requirements with Linked Defects

Lists the requirements that appear in the current requirements view, with their linked defects.

Requirements with Traceability

Lists the requirements that appear in the current requirements view, with their associated traced to and traced from requirements.

Report Selected

Lists the requirements currently selected in the requirements tree or grid.

Report Selected with Children

Lists the requirements currently selected in the requirements tree or grid, including child requirements.

Test Plan module reports

The following reports are available for the Test Plan module:



Standard Test Planning Report

Lists the tests in the current test plan view.

Subject Tree Report

Lists the tests in the current test plan view by subject.

Tests with Design Steps

Lists the tests that appear in the current test plan view, including their design steps.

Tests with Covered Requirements

Lists the tests that appear in the current test plan view, with their requirement coverage information.

Tests with Linked Defects

Lists the tests that appear in the current test plan view, with their linked defects.

Report Selected

Lists the tests currently selected in the test plan tree or grid.

Business Process Tests with Component Steps

Lists the relevant parameter values for all the flows, groups, iterations, components, and manual steps in the selected business process test. This report can be used to: 

  • Run business process tests manually from a printout.

  • As a detailed report for auditing.

Business Process Tests with Component Steps and Component Details

Lists the relevant parameter values for all the flows, groups, iterations, components, and manual steps in the selected business process test, including component details and snapshots. This report can be used to.

  • Run business process tests manually from a printout.

  • As a detailed report for auditing.

Business Process Tests with Script

Lists all the business process tests and flows currently in the ALM project, including some detail fields, the test or flow descriptions, and the components included in each test or flow. This report also includes information about groups, iterations, On Failure status, and contents of flows inside business process tests.

Test Lab module reports

The following reports are available for the Test Lab module:

Test set reports



Current Test Set

Lists the tests that appear in the current test set.

Cross Test Set

Lists the test sets that appear in the Test Sets list, without listing their tests.

Test Set Hierarchy with Tests

Lists the test sets hierarchically, as well as the status of each of the test sets.

Cross Test Set with Tests

Lists the test sets that appear in the Test Sets list, including their tests.

Current Test Set with Failed Test Runs

Lists tests from the current test set, with "Failed" test run status.

Cross Test Set with Failed Test Runs

Lists tests from all test sets, with "Failed" test run status.

Execution Notification

Lists the tests that are displayed in the current test set with the results of their last test run.

Report Selected

Displays an execution report of the test instances currently selected in the execution grid.

Test Set Execution Preview Displays an execution preview report of the test instances in the selected test set folders.

Test run reports



Cross Run

Lists the runs matching the current filter in the Test Runs module.

Cross Run with Steps

Lists the runs matching the current filter in the Test Runs module with their run steps.

Runs by Test

Lists the runs in the Test Runs module under their tests.

Runs by Test Set

Lists the runs in the Test Runs module under their test sets and tests.

Report Selected

Displays a runs report of the test runs currently selected in the Test Runs module.

Defects module reports

The following reports are available for the Defects module:



Standard Defect Report

Lists the defects that appear in the defects grid.

Tabular Report

Displays the defects that appear in the defects grid, in a grid format.

The tabular report does not display the descriptions and comments for the defects.

Defects with Linked Tests and Runs

Lists the defects with their linked tests and test run results.

Fixed or Rejected Defects

Lists defects with "fixed" or "rejected" status.

Fixed or Rejected Defects Detected by Current User

Lists defects with "fixed" or "rejected" status that were detected by the current user.

Opened Defects Assigned to Current User

List defects with "open" status that are assigned to the current user.

Report Selected

Lists defects currently selected in the defects grid.

Business Component module reports

The following reports are available for the Business Components module:



Standard Component Report

Lists all the components currently in the ALM project, including all detail fields, the component descriptions, history, and whether it includes a snapshot.

Component Hierarchy Report

Lists the components currently in the ALM project, including all detail fields and the component descriptions. Obsolete components and component requests are not shown in this report.

Components with Steps

Lists all the components currently in the ALM project, including some detail fields, the component descriptions, and each component's steps.

Components Used By

Lists all the components currently in the ALM project, including some detail fields, the component descriptions, and the business process tests and flows that use each component.

Components with Application Area

Lists all the components currently in the ALM project, including some detail fields, the component descriptions, and the application area (if any) used by each component.

Report Selected

Lists components currently selected in the tree.

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Generate predefined project reports

You can generate predefined project reports during your work in the Requirements, Test Plan, Test Lab, Defects, and Business Components modules.

To generate a predefined project report:

  1. From the ALM side bar, open the target module.

    For example, the Test Lab module.

  2. Select the entity folder you want to generate the project report for.

    For Test Set Execution Preview report: The report only contains the test sets that are directly listed under the selected folders. It does not contain test sets in the subfolders of the selected folders.

  3. From the Analysis > Project Report menu, select the predefined project report you want to generate.

    For example, the Test Set Execution Preview report.

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Create and configure project reports

This task describes how to create, configure, preview, generate, download, and share project reports.

To create and configure project reports:

  1. Create a project report.

    1. On the ALM sidebar, under Dashboard, select Analysis View.

    2. Right-click a folder under the Private or Public root folder, and select New Project Report. Fill in the New Project Report dialog box.

      Syntax exceptions: The report name cannot exceed 2000 characters, and cannot include the following characters: \ ^ *

      Reports you create under private folders are available to the owner only. Reports you create under public folders are available to all users.


    • If you have the Manage Analysis Menus permission, you can also add project reports in Dashboard > Analysis View > Analysis Menus.

    • To configure predefined project reports, open Analysis Menus.

    For details, see Manage analysis menus.

  2. Add report sections.

    For Test Set Execution Preview report:

    • You cannot add report sections under the Test Set Folders section and its subsections or delete these sections.

    • You can add report sections under the Document root node.

    1. In the Analysis View module, select a project report, and click the Configuration tab.

    2. Right-click the Document root node, and select Add Report Section. Select an ALM entity to include in the report.




      The entity that is included in the new section. For sub-sections, the available types depend on the entity in the parent section.


      Describes the relationship between the entity in the new section and the entity in the parent section.

      Available from: Section nodes


      The name of the new section. This field is used as the section title in the report.

    3. You can add a sub-section of related information. To add a subsection, right-click a section in the report tree, and select Add Report Section.

      For example, add a sub-section of defects linked to requirements, or a sub-section of defect attachments.

    4. Each section can have multiple sub-sections and, where applicable, you can add further sub-sections to sub-sections.

      Note: You can add sub-sections only to sections that are assigned a full-page template. For more details on full-page templates, see Create and design project report templates.

  3. Configure the document-level settings.

    1. In the Analysis View module, select a project report, and click the Configuration tab.

    2. Select the Document node, and set the following options:

      Option Description
      Document Output Options
      Output Format

      Define the file format in which the report is generated:

      • HTML. Displays the report in a Web browser.

      • Docx. Displays the report in Microsoft Word 2007 or later.

      • Doc. Displays the report in Microsoft Word 2003.

      • PDF. Displays the report in PDF readers.

        Limitation: The PDF report cannot be displayed when working in Windows 8 or 8.1 with Adobe Reader 9.1 installed. In this configuration, install the xi version of the Adobe Reader to view the report.

      Note: In the Analysis Menus tab, this option is disabled and set to HTML.

      Document Templates
      Document Template Defines fields on the title page, headers and footers, page orientation, and other document layout settings.
      Style Template Defines formatting (for example, tables, headings, and paragraph) applied to Microsoft Word styles. The Style template styles override those defined in the templates used in the report sections.
      History Template Defines the style in which history information is displayed in report sections.

      Edit Document Field Values

      Opens the Edit Document Template Field Values dialog box, enabling you to type values for fields in areas such as the title page, headers and footers, as defined in the document template.

      Field Names. A list of the custom merge fields defined in the assigned document template.

      Field Value. The text that is displayed in the report in place of the selected field.

      Document Additional Options
      Auto-Update Table of Contents

      Whether or not to instruct ALM to update table of contents entries in the report output.


      • To display a table of contents, the document template must include a TOC field.
      • If this option is not selected, and if you selected the Doc or Docx output format, you can manually update the table of contents in Microsoft Word after the report is generated.
      • If this option is selected, the project report generation time is increased.
      Embed Test and Image Attachments

      Whether or not to embed plain text and image attachments in the report.

      Other attachment types (for example, document or video files) are always displayed as links.


      • To display attachments, you must add attachment sub-sections to the report.

      • If this option is not selected, links to plain text and image attachments are inserted in the report, that open the files in a separate window.

      • To access the links, you use the REST API. Using the REST API requires REST authentication, unless the report was generated using a public REST URL.
      • ALM opens the most up-to-date version of the attachments and if they have changed since the report was first generated, the information displayed may contradict other information contained in the report.
      Select a Baseline

      Whether or not to generate a report of a selected baseline data.


      • You can create a baseline report only if all sections and sub-sections of the report support baselines.
      • If you select this option, the ability to add graphs to the report is disabled.
      • This option is disabled in the Analysis Menus tab.
  4. Configure the settings of a report section or sub-section.

    1. In the Analysis View module, select a project report, and click the Configuration tab.

    2. Select the section or sub-section, and set the following options:

      For Test Set Execution Preview report: You can configure the Template Details options only.

      Option Description
      Report Section Details
      Name The name of the section title in the report.
      Entity The ALM entity that is included in the section.
      Relationship Type Describes the relationship between the entity in the selected section and the entity in the parent section.

      Template Details

      Project Template

      You can define which template is assigned to the currently selected section of the report. A template can be either in a full-page or tabular layout. You can only add sub-sections to sections that are assigned full-page templates. For more details on project templates, see Create and design project report templates.

      Custom Template

      Assign a custom template to the currently selected section of the report.

      For details about creating custom templates, see Create a custom report template.

      No Template

      Generates a report section without a template and renders its subsections immediately.

      This option is useful when you want to link a parent section to a sub-section.

      For example, if your report contains a Requirements and a Coverage Tests section, you can add a Requirement Coverage section in between them that uses the No Template option. When the report is generated, tests will appear immediately below the requirement that they are covering without any intermediate section.

      Filter State

      Available from: Analysis Menus tab. You must have the required administrator permissions to view this tab.

      Enables you to set filter conditions for reports that are generated from within the Analysis menu in specific modules.

      • Custom. Enables you define a customized filter in the Analysis Menus tab.

      • Special filters. The following predefined filtering options are provided:

        When adding sections to a report that lists a different entity type to the module from which the report is generated, you must use the Custom filter type. Selecting a special filter results in the section being excluded from the report. For example, if you add a Defects section to the Standard Requirement Report, and select the Context filtering option, the added section will not appear in the generated report.

        • Context. Filters information according to the filter that is currently selected in the module.

        • Selected. Includes information for the currently selected entity in the module only.

          In the Test Lab module, the selected entity is the selected test run instance, and not the selected test set.

        • Selected with Children. For hierarchical entities, includes information for the selected parent entity as well as child entities.

        • Current Entity Based. Includes information for the currently focused item in the module. You use this option to generate a report in the Test Lab module on the test set level.

      Set Filter/Sort. Enables you to filter and sort the data according to the criteria you choose. For details, see Select Filter Condition Dialog Box.

      Clear Filter. Clears all filters and sorting priorities.
      Special Properties

      Available from: Top-level sections that contain entities that are listed hierarchically in ALM (for example, requirements, test folders).

      Keep Hierarchical Whether or not to instruct ALM to list records in hierarchical order in the report.
      Automation Test Report

      Available from: Sections for runs. For example, Test Instance Runs and Linked Runs.

      Include automation test reports

      If there are BPT automation runs, whether or not to include the test results as a .zip file in the downloaded project report package.

      This option works only when you download the project report as zip.


      • If the Upload BPT test results to ALM as a single .zip file option is disabled in BPT customization, test results of new automation runs are not included. For details about this option, see Configure Business Process Testing.

      • If you enable this option, it consumes additional project repository space, depending on the number of automation test runs. Promote repository cleanup if the space is used up. For details, see Define project repository cleanup.

      Graph Selection
      • Available from: Top-level sections

      • If you selected the Select a Baseline option in the Document Additional Options area, this option is not available.

      • Permissions to create graphs are based on the public state of the report. If the report is private, you must have permission to manage private graphs. If the report is public, you must have permission to create, modify, and delete graphs.

      Opens the Graphs Tree pane. The pane displays graphs in the analysis tree. Expand the tree and drag graphs to the graph list.

      Opens the New Graph Wizard, enabling you to create graphs directly in the report. For details, see Generate entity graphs using New Graph window.

      You cannot create KPI graphs using this method.

      Opens the graph configuration window, enabling you to define axis data and set filter options for the selected graph. For details, see Configure entity graphs.

      Opens the View Graph window, enabling you to view the selected graph and to set graph display options. For details, see View entity graphs.
      Move Up/Move Down. Enables you to move the selected graph higher or lower in the graph list.
      <graph list> Lists the graphs that are included in the report.
  5. Preview the report.

    In the Configuration tab of the report, click Preview to generate a preview of the report that includes the first five records of each of the report sections. The preview is displayed in the output format you selected for the Document root node.

  6. Generate the report.

    In the Configuration tab of the report, click Generate to generate the report in the selected report output format..

    When the report generation is complete, it is displayed in the output format you selected for the Document root node.

    The report is saved on the client machine, under the following directory:


    Where <Project_id> is a string representing your ALM project.

  7. Download the report locally.

    In the Configuration tab of the report, click Download As Zip to download the report locally to your computer as a .zip file. The file includes all attachments contained in the report. It is helpful for emailing reports to users who do not have access to ALM.

    Note: For reports in HTML format, you must extract all the files from the zipped folder before opening them.

  8. Share a report outside ALM.

    Allow ALM users or others to view read-only versions of reports outside ALM. For details, see Share a graph.

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Create a custom report template

This task describes how to create a custom template for your personal use. Depending on your user group permissions, you can assign custom templates to report sections and sub-sections.

Create a copy of an existing report template

  1. In the report tree, select a report section, and click the Download Template button next to the project or custom template that you want to modify. A copy of the template is saved on your computer file system, and opens in Microsoft Word.

  2. Modify the template in Microsoft Word using commands in the Template Creator tab. For details on the Template Creator tab, see Create and design project report templates.

  3. Save and close the template file.

  4. To assign the new custom template to a report section, select a report section. Then select Custom Template or click Upload Custom Template   , and select the template file.

Create a new custom report template

  1. In the report tree, select a report section for which you want to create a custom template.

  2. Click Template Creator. Microsoft Word opens with the Template Creator tab. Design a new template file for the selected report section. For details on working with the Template Creator, see Create and design project report templates.

  3. Save and close the template file.

  4. To assign the new custom template to a report section, select a report section. Then select Custom Template or click Upload Custom Template   , and select the template file.

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See also: