Generate an entity graph

This section describes different ways to create and generate an entity graph.

In this topic:

Generate entity graphs using the Graph Wizard

The Graph Wizard guides you through the steps involved in creating an entity graph and configuring its settings.

You launch the Graph Wizard either from the Analysis View module, or while working in one of the other ALM modules.

  1. Launch the Graph Wizard.

    From the Analysis View module

    To launch the graph wizard from the Analysis View module:

    1. On the ALM sidebar, under Dashboard, select Analysis View,

    2. Right-click a folder, and select Graph Wizard.

    From entity modules

    To launch the Graph Wizard in an entity module (Requirements, Business Components, Test Plan, Test Lab, or Defects), open the module, and select Analysis > Graphs > Graph Wizard.

  2. In the Select Graph Type step of the wizard, select Entity Graph. Click Next.

  3. In the Select Entity Type step, from the Entity field, select an entity type. In the Graph Type field, select a predefined entity graph type. Click Next.

  4. In the Select Projects step, select the project you want to include in the graph. Click Next.

    UI Element Description
    Use Current Project Includes only the current project in the graph.
    Use Selected Projects Includes the projects listed in the project grid in the graph. To change the selection of the projects, click Select.
  5. In the Select Filter step of the wizard, define a filter for the graph.

    UI Element Description
    Use current filter

    Available if you launched the graph wizard from an entity module.

    Uses the current filter applied to the data.

    Do not use a filter Includes all records of the selected entity.
    Define a new filter

    Enables you to define a new filter or cross-filter. Click the Filter button to open the Filter dialog box, and define the filter.

    For details, seeSelect Filter Condition Dialog Box.

  6. In the Select Graph Attributes step of the wizard, set the Group By and X-Axis attributes.

    UI Element Description
    Group By field

    The field by which you want data to be grouped in the graph.

    For progress and trend graphs, you can only select a field for which history is enabled. For details on enabling history for a field, see Customize project entities.

    If your graph includes multiple projects, you can only select from fields that are in all the selected projects. To group the data by project, select the QC Project value.

    Progress or Trends graphs: If you set a filter on the same field as the Group By field, groups in the graphs may include values that you filtered out. This is because in progress and trend graphs the filter operates on current values, while groupings operate on historical values. For example, the Group By field in a Defects graph is set to Status, and the current filter includes all defects whose status is Open. When the graph is generated, all previous statuses of the open defects, such as Rejected, appears in the graph even if Rejected was not included in the filter.

    ALM Editions: Including multiple projects in graphs is not available for Quality Center Enterprise Edition. For information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM editions. To find out which edition of ALM you are using, ask your ALM site administrator.

    X-axis field

    If you are creating a summary graph, the field that you want to use for the x-axis.

    If your graph includes multiple projects, you can only select from fields that are in all the selected projects. To list the projects along the x-axis, select the QC Project value.

    ALM Editions: Including multiple projects in graphs is not available for Quality Center Enterprise Edition. For information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM editions. To find out which edition of ALM you are using, ask your ALM site administrator.

  7. Click Finish to generate the graph.
  8. (Optional) If you want to add the graph to the Analysis tree, click Add to Analysis Tree. This enables you to quickly configure and generate the graph in the future.

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Generate entity graphs using New Graph window

You can use the New Graph window to add an entity graph in the Analysis tree, configure the graph, and generate the graph.

To add and generate an entity graph in the Analysis tree:

  1. On the ALM sidebar, under Dashboard, select Analysis View.

  2. Right-click a folder, and select New Graph. Select the entity type and graph type. Enter the graph name.

  3. Click OK.

    The graph is added in the Analysis tree and you can see the graph automatically generated in the View tab.

  4. If you want to regenerate the graph using different configuration settings, click the Configuration tab.

    The configurations of entity graphs vary depending on the entity graph type. For details about the configuration of each type, see Configure entity graphs.

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Generate predefined entity graphs in entity modules

ALM provides ready-to-use entity graphs for Requirements, Business Components, Test Plan, Test Lab, and Defects modules. When working in these modules, you can generate an impromptu entity graph to analyze the module data.

To generate a predefined entity group:

  1. Open the target module. For example, Requirements.

  2. From the Analysis menu, select Graphs, and select one of the predefined graphs. The graph is automatically generated.

    For example, Requirements Summary - Group by Priority.

  3. (Optional) If you want to add the graph to the Analysis tree, click Add to Analysis Tree.

    This enables you to quickly configure and generate the graph in the future.

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See also: