Uninstall Quality Insight
This section describes how to uninstall Quality Insight.
Uninstall Quality Insight (Windows)
From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > OpenText > Quality Insight - Uninstall. The Uninstall Quality Insight page opens.
Click Uninstall. The Uninstall Complete page opens. All the components that were installed during Quality Insight installation are removed. Files and folders created after Quality Insight was installed are not removed.
Click Done to exit the wizard.
Restart the computer to complete the uninstallation.
Note: The uninstall process deletes all data stored in the default Quality Insight installation directory. Indexed data that is stored in a different location (outside the installation directory) will not be deleted as part of the uninstall process.
After uninstalling Quality Insight, disable or delete the dedicated Quality Insight user in ALM Site Administration.
To disable Quality Insight, see Enable or disable Quality Insight.
UninstallQuality Insight (Linux)
Navigate to the installation folder. The default folder is:
/var/opt/Micro Focus/Quality Insight/_Quality Insight_installation
. -
Run the uninstaller. Enter the command:
./Uninstall Quality Insight
Follow the instructions.
All the components that were installed during Quality Insight installation are removed. Files and folders created after Quality Insight was installed are not removed.
Restart the computer to complete the uninstallation.
Note: The uninstall process deletes all data stored in the default Quality Insight installation directory. Indexed data that is stored in a different location (outside the installation directory) will not be deleted as part of the uninstall process.
After uninstalling Quality Insight, disable or delete the dedicated Quality Insight user in ALM Site Administration.
To disable Quality Insight, see Enable or disable Quality Insight.
See also: