Linking Defects to Tests
You can link a test in your test plan to a specific defect in the Defects Grid. This is useful, for example, when a new test is created specifically for a known defect. By creating linkage, you can determine if the test should be run based on the status of the defect. Note that you can also link the defect to other entities, such as requirements.
A defect can be linked directly or indirectly to an entity. When you add a defect link to an entity, ALM adds a direct link to this entity and indirect links to other related entities.
The following diagram illustrates the flow of indirect linkage:
For instance, when you link a defect to a run step, it adds an indirect link to its run, test instance, test set, and test. If the same test is covered by a requirement, an indirect link is also added to the requirement. Note that the indirect linkage is a one-directional flow. For example, if you link a defect to a run, it is not indirectly linked to its run steps.
In this exercise, you will link your defect to the Flight Confirmation test in the Test Plan module, and view the linked test in the Defects Grid.
To link a defect to a test:
Display the Test Plan module.
On the ALM sidebar, under Testing, select Test Plan.
Select the Flight Confirmation test.
In the test plan tree, under Flight Reservation, expand the Flight Confirmation test subject, and select the Flight Confirmation test. Click the Linked Defects tab.
Add a linked defect.
In the Linked Defects tab, click the Link Existing Defect arrow and choose Select. The Defects to Link dialog box opens.
Select the defect you added in Adding New Defects and click the Link button. Your defect is added to the Linked Defects grid.
Tip: If you cannot find your defect in the Defects to Link dialog box, click the Set Filter/Sort arrow and choose Clear Filter/Sort to clear the filter that is applied to the grid.
View the linked test in the Defects Grid.
On the ALM sidebar, select Defects.
In the Defects Grid, click the defect ID of the defect you added in Adding New Defects. The Defect Details dialog box opens.
Click Linked Entities on the sidebar, and select the Others tab. The Flight Confirmation test is linked to your defect.
Click OK to close the Defect Details dialog box.