Search, replace, and update ALM data

This task describes how to search and replace ALM data, and to update multiple records.

Search records using Find

The Find dialog box enables you to search for a particular record in a tree or grid. You can search records based on the value of a particular field. You can also search a folder for a particular subfolder or record.

To access

Use one of the following:

  • Select Edit > Find.

  • In the Execution Grid, select Tests > Find.

  • In the test sets tree, select Edit > Find Folder/Test Set.

Available from the following modules: Requirements, Business Components, Test Plan, Test Resources, Test Lab, and Defects.

Important information
  • If a filter is applied to a tree or grid, the search is restricted to the records currently displayed.

    Tip: If available, Text Search is a more powerful tool that enables you to search for keywords and variations of keywords. For details, see Search records using Text Search.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


Find in Folder

Displays the name of the folder selected in the tree.

Available from: Component Tree, Test Plan Tree, Test Resource Tree, and Test Sets Tree.

Find in Field

Indicates the field for ALM to search in.

Available from: Requirements module, all module grid views.

Value to Find

The field value for which ALM searches. The search is not case sensitive.

Search for

Instructs ALM to search for folders only, individual records only, or both folders and individual records.

Available from: Component Tree, Test Plan Tree, Test Resource Tree, and Test Sets Tree.

Exact Match

Finds records with values that exactly match the specified search string.

Note: Not enabled when the Find in Field element is set to a numeric field, for example Defect ID, or to a text field that contains rich text, for example Description.

Use Wildcard

Enables you to use asterisk (*) characters in your search string in order to type only part of the item.

Note: Not enabled when the Find in Field element is set to a numeric field, for example Defect ID, or to a text field that contains rich text, for example Description.

Case Sensitive

Instructs ALM to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters.

Note: Not enabled when the Find in Field element is set to a numeric field, for example Defect ID.


Searches for the specified value in a tree view. If the search is successful, the Search Results dialog box opens and displays a list of possible matches. Select a result from the list and click Go To to highlight the record in the tree. If the search is unsuccessful, an information box opens.

Find Next

Searches for the next record in the grid that matches the specified value. If the search is successful, the matching record is highlighted in the grid. If the search is unsuccessful, an information box opens.

Name to Find

The value in the Name field for which ALM searches. The search is not case sensitive. Results include records where the search string matches the value, or part of the value, of the Name field.

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Search records using Text Search

If available, you can search for keywords and variations of keywords using Text Search.

To access

Select Edit > Text Search. The Text Search pane opens in the lower part window.

Available from the following modules: Requirements, Business Components, Test Plan, and Defects.

Important information
  • Text search is only available if it has been enabled for the project. Contact your ALM site administrator if the search option is unavailable.

  • Searchable text fields are predefined in Project Customization. For details, see Configure Text Search.

  • Version Control: ALM searches only checked in versions.

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element


Search for

Indicates the keywords you want to find.

Syntax exceptions:

  • Text search ignores the following: articles (a, an, the); coordinate conjunctions (and, but, for, nor, or); boolean operators (and, or, not, if, or, then).

  • The search is not case sensitive.


  • When you enter a keyword, ALM searches the predefined fields for the keyword or variations of the keyword. For example, if you type log, the search will find fields containing log, logs, logging, and logged. The search will not find login or logical because these are not variations of the word.

  • If you enter more than one keyword, the results will include all records that contain at least one of the keywords.


Enables searching for text in Tests or Design Steps.

Available from: Test Plan module.

Restrict to current filter

Indicates whether to search all records in the module or restrict the search to the filtered records.


Performs the text search on the predefined fields and displays the search results in order of relevance.

Select Columns

Opens the Select Columns dialog box, enabling you to determine column appearance and order. For details, see Arrange columns.

Searchable Fields

Displays the list of predefined search fields set in Project Customization.

Details Opens the corresponding Details dialog box, enabling you to view and update details of the selected entity.

Go to Entity

Select a record and click the button to display record details.

Tip: Alternatively, select a record and click the <record ID> or <record Name> link.


Number of the item selected in the search results and the total number of items found.

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Replace a field for selected records

You can replace a field value for a selected record, or for all records in the tree or grid using the Replace dialog box.

To access

Use one of the following:

  • In a grid view, select Edit > Replace.

  • In the Execution Grid, select Tests > Replace.

Important information

If a filter is applied to a tree or grid, the search and replace is restricted to the records currently displayed.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


Find in Field

Indicates the field for ALM to search.

Version Control: If the field is non-versioned (meaning, the field's data are not saved with each version), an asterisk (*) is displayed as a prefix to the field name in the Find in Field list. The checkout operation is bypassed when performing a Replace operation on non-versioned entities. For details on setting a field as a versioned/non-versioned, see  Versioned.

Value to Find

The field value for which ALM searches.

Replace with

Indicates the replacement field value.

Exact Match

Finds records with values that exactly match the specified search string.

Note: Not enabled when the Find in Field element is set to a numeric field, for example Defect ID, or to a text field that contains rich text, for example Description.

Use Wildcard

Enables you to use asterisk (*) characters in your search string in order to type only part of the item.

Note: Not enabled when the Find in Field element is set to a numeric field, for example Defect ID, or to a text field that contains rich text, for example Description.

Case Sensitive

Instructs ALM to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters.

Note: Not enabled when the Find in Field element is set to a numeric field, for example Defect ID.


Replaces the specified field value for the selected record.

Replace All

Searches for and replaces the specified field value in all records displayed in the grid.

Find Next

Searches for the next record in the grid that matches the specified value. If the search is successful, the matching record is highlighted in the grid. If the search is unsuccessful, an information box opens.

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Update a field for selected records

You can update a field value for multiple records in a grid or a tree using the Update Selected dialog box.

To access

Right-click selected multiple records and select Update Selected.

Available from the following modules: Requirements, Test Plan (Test Grid only), Test Lab (Execution Grid tab), Build Verification, and Defects.


When updating required fields, you can value the BULK_ACTION_IGNORE_REQUIRED_FIELD site parameter with ‘Y’ in order to bypass checking that required fields are valued before performing an update of multiple entities.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


Update Field

Identifies the field to be updated.

Version Control: If the field is non-versioned (meaning, the field's data are not saved with each version), an asterisk (*) is displayed as a prefix to the field name in the Update Field list. The checkout operation is bypassed when performing an Updated Selected operation on non-versioned entities. For details on setting a field as a versioned/non-versioned, see Versioned.


The replacement value for the selected field.

Ignore Errors Bypasses errors and continues to update the selected field.
Add to Current Values

This option is available if the selected field is defined as such that it allows you to select more than one value from a list.

Enabling this option, will not replace the current value. Instead, the new value will be added and the old value will remain.

Note: Available if the Allow Multiple Values option is enabled for this field. For more details, see Customize project entities.

Advanced Enables you to update multiple field values at once.

Indicates the number of values that were updated, and the number of instances where the values were not updated.

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Update memo fields

You can search and replace values for memo fields using the Find and Replace dialog box.

This dialog box enables you to find and replace field values in memo fields.

To access

In a memo field, click Find & Replace, or by pressing the shortcut keys Ctrl + F.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element



Indicates the field value for which ALM searches.


Indicates the replacement field value.


Enables searching up or down the memo field.

Case Sensitive

Distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase characters.


Finds a single occurrence in the memo field.


Replaces a single occurrence in the memo field.

Replace All

Replaces all occurrences in the memo field.

Find All

Finds all occurrences in the memo field.

Stop Stops all operations.

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