Assign licenses

The Licenses > License Management tab enables you to assign ALM licenses.


You can do the following in the License Management tab.

  • View the total number of licenses in use, the maximum number of licenses that you have for each ALM project or domain, and the expiration dates for the licenses.

    When other OpenText tools, such as UFT, are connected to an ALM project, you can view the total number of licenses in use for these tools.

  • Modify licenses and launch the licensing portal to retrieve licenses.

  • (On-premises only) Assign licenses to domains and projects.

  • Assign named licenses to specific users.

  • (SaaS only) Assign licenses to customers and domains.

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Modify licenses

You can modify and clear installed licenses and launch the licensing portal to retrieve new licenses.

To modify licenses:

  1. In Site Administration, click the Licenses > License Management > Status tab.

  2. To modify licenses, click the arrow next to Modify Licenses, and select one of the following options:

    Option Description
    Upload Licenses

    Opens the Upload License dialog box, enabling you to modify licenses by uploading a license file.

    Paste Licenses

    Opens the Paste License dialog box, enabling you to modify licenses by pasting licenses.

    ALM requires that all license keys should be of the same edition. Contact support for help if you encounter errors in the following scenarios:

    • The uploaded license file (or pasted licenses) contains keys of an edition that is not installed.

    • The uploaded license file (or pasted licenses) contains keys of multiple editions.

    • The existing license file contains keys of multiple editions.

  3. To clear licenses, click Clear Licenses.

    A confirmation dialog box opens that verifies whether or not you want to clear all the installed licenses and their assignments.

  4. To add licenses, click Launch Licensing Portal.

    The OpenText Licensing portal opens in a new browser, enabling you to purchase licenses.

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Assign licenses to domains and projects

Available to ALM on-premises site admins only.

You can assign licenses to specific domains or projects to allow users assigned to each project to use the assigned licenses. The number of remaining, available licenses is shown towards the bottom of the tab. If a project needs more licenses than the number it is assigned, extra licenses can be taken from the domain or from the available licenses, until all available licenses are used.

To assign licenses to domains and projects:

  1. In Site Administration, click the Licenses > License Management > License Assignments tab.

  2. Locate the domain or project to which you want to assign licenses. In the cells for the type of licenses you are assigning to the domain or project, enter the number of licenses you want to assign. The total of available licenses is reduced accordingly.

    To hide domains and projects that do not have licenses assigned, select the Show Only Assigned Project checkbox.

  3. ALM validates that the total number of licenses assigned to the projects and domains does not exceed the number of licenses in the site pool.

    • Available: Displays the number of available unassigned site-level licenses by license type.

    • Site Pool: Displays the total number of available site-level licenses by license type.

  4. Click Save to save the changes.

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Assign named licenses to users

You can assign named licenses to specific users. The user has exclusive access to this license but cannot use licenses from the Site Pool. The user must use this license for thirty days. After thirty days, the license assignment can be removed from the user. When a named license is assigned to a user, you have one hour to remove the assignment.

To assign a named license to a user:

  1. In Site Administration, click the Licenses > License Management > Named Licenses tab.

  2. In the License Status pane, select the license you want to assign and click Add User.

    To hide expired licenses, select the Hide Expired License checkbox.

  3. In the Add User window, form the All Users list, select the users you want to assigned the license to and click the right arrow . The users are displayed in the Assigned Users pane.

    Reassignment Time: The date and time that the license assignment can be removed from the user. After a named license is assigned to a user, you have one hour to remove the assignment. After that time, the assignment cannot be removed from the user for thirty days. During the first hour and after thirty days, this field is filled with Reassignable.

  4. Click Save to save the changes.

To remove a named license assignment from a user:

  1. Prerequisite: A license assignment can only be removed from a user when the value of Reassignment Time is Reassignable. See Reassignment Time.

  2. In the License Status pane, select the license.

  3. In the Assigned Users pane, select the user.

  4. Click Remove to remove the user. The user name is no longer displayed in the Assigned Users side.

  5. Click Save to save your changes.

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Assign licenses to customers and domains

Available for: SaaS only

As a customer admin, you can assign licenses to the child customers and domains under your customer, and view license assignment details of your customer and child customers.


Make sure of the following before assigning licenses:

  • License distribution is enabled by setting the ENABLE_SAAS_ADDON_ALM_LICENSE_DISTRIBUTION site parameter to Y.

    Important: Restart the ALM server immediately after the ENABLE_SAAS_ADDON_ALM_LICENSE_DISTRIBUTION site parameter is updated.

  • To assign licenses to the child customers and domains under your domain, you should have the Update Descendant Customer License permission.

  • To view license assignment, you should have the View Customer License permission.

Note: If you are site admin, you can assign licenses to any customer and domain.

Assign licenses to a customer or domain

  1. Go to the Licenses > License Management > License Assignments tab.

    The table lists the child customers and domains under your customer and all licenses installed.

    UI Elements Description
    Table breadcrumb

    By default, the breadcrumb above the table displays the active customer.

    If you expand a child customer, the table lists its domains and child customers (if any). The breadcrumb above the table displays <active customer> > <child customer>. You can click a breadcrumb path to expand the corresponding customer.

    Customer/Domain Name

    By default, this column lists:

    • The active customer.

    • All domains under the active customer.

    • (If any) The child customers of the active customer.

    If you expand a child customer, this column lists:

    • The child customer.

    • All domains under the child customer.

    • (If any) The end customers of the child customer.

    Assigned License

    Displays the number of each license type assigned to the listed domains and customers.

    For example, if the Full License column of the Customer A displays 20,000, it means 20,000 quotas of Full License are assigned to the Customer A.

    Total Used

    Displays the total number of licenses assigned to the child customers and domains of the current parent customer.

    For examples, if 20,000 quotas of Full Licenses are assigned to the Customer A, and Customer A assigns 10,000 quotas to its child customer (say, Customer abc) and 5,000 quotas to its domain (say, Default), then Total Used for Full license displays 15,000, which is calculated as 10,000 plus 5,000.

    Total Assigned

    Displays the total number of quotas assigned to the current parent customer.

    For example, if the Customer A is assigned 20,000 quotas of Full License, then Total Assigned of Full License displays 20,000.

    Total Available

    Displays the remaining quotas of each license type.

    For the current parent customer, Total Available of a license type = Total Assigned - Total Used.

    For example, the Customer A is assigned 20,000 quotas of Full License, and it assigned 10,000 quotas to its child customer (say, Customer abc), and 5,000 quotas to its domain (say, Default), then Total Available of Full License for the Customer A displays 500, which is calculated as 20,000 - (10,000 + 5,000).

  2. To assign a license to a customer or domain under your customer, in the corresponding table cell, enter the license quota.

    To makes sure you enter a valid license quota for a customer or domain under your domain, consider the following:

    The number of licenses that have been assigned by the customer to its child customers or domains

    The license quota you enter for the customer should be no less that the quota it has assigned.

    For example, if the customer has assigned 1,000 licenses to its child customers, you cannot update the quota to a number less than 1,000.

    To check how many licenses have been assigned by the customer, expand the customer and check the Total Used value.

    Total Available of your customer

    The number of licenses you add to the customer should be no more than the Total Available value of your customer.

    For example, if Total Available of your customer is 500, you can add up to 500 licenses to a child customer.

  3. Click out of the cell to save your changes.

    After you save your changes, the license assignments table refreshes, automatically updating the license data based on your assignment.

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See also: