Create tests

The Test Plan tab of Web Client enables you to create tests and design test steps.

Note: If your project enables version control, you can only view test plan entities of the current checked-in version. You cannot create or edit test plan entities.

Create test folders

Create test folders before creating tests. Test folders group tests in the same testing area. You can create test folders either under the Subject root folder or under an existing test folder.

Note: You cannot create test folders under the Unattached folder.

To create a new test folder:

  1. Select the folder under which you want to create the test folder.

  2. Click New Folder (), and enter a name for the test folder.

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > New Folder.

  3. (Optional) To add description for the test folder, select the test folder and enter the description in the Description tab.

    To add attachments for the test folder, select the test folder and click Add in the Attachments tab.

To create a test folder by copy/cut:

  1. Select the folder you want to copy or cut.

  2. Click Copy () or Cut ().

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > Copy or Cut.

  3. Select the folder where you want to add the new test folder, and click Paste ().

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > Paste.

To rename a test folder:

  1. Hover over the test folder you want to rename, and select More Actions > Rename.

  2. Enter the new name.

To delete a test folder:

  1. Select the test folder you want to delete and click Delete.

    Alternatively, you can hover over the test folder and select More Actions > Delete.

  2. In the confirmation dialog box, select one of the following option and click Yes.

    Delete folders only Deletes the test folder and moves the tests under the test folder to the Unattached folder.
    Delete folders and tests Deletes the test folder folder, its sub-folders, and all tests under the folders. All test scripts are also deleted from the file system.

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Create tests

You create tests under existing test folders, except the Unattached or the root Subject folder.

To create a test:

  1. Select the folder under which you want to create the test.

  2. Click New Test .

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > New Test.

    Tip: You can also create a test by copying or cutting an existing test. To copy or cut a test, select the test, click Copy or Cut, select the test folder where you want to add the new test, and click Paste.

  3. Provide all required information, and click Submit.

  4. Fill in all required fields for the test and click Save to save the test. To cancel the test creation, click Cancel.

  5. Add design steps to the test. See Design test steps.

  6. Add attachments to the test.

    To add an attachment to the test, click the Attachments tab, and click Add.

    To select multiple attachments, use the CTRL or SHIFT key.

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Design test steps

Test steps describe what a tester must perform to run a test. A test step includes the actions to perform on your application, the input to enter, and the expected results.

To manually add a test step to a test:

  1. Open the test.

    You can click Filter in the test tree to find the target test. For details, see Filter records in Web Client.

  2. In the Design Steps tab, click New and specify the following information:

    UI Element Description
    Step Name

    The name of the step.

    Default value: The sequential number of the design step. For example, it's Step 1 if you are adding a step to a test for the first time.

    Double-click the column to specify the name.


    Instructions for the tester to perform.

    Double-click the column to specify the instructions.


    The expected result after the step instructions are performed.

    Double-click the column to specify the expected result.


    The number indicates the amount of files attached to the test step.

    To add an attachment to the test step, click Attachment and select the file to attach.

    To view all attachments of the test step, in the Attachment column, click the number to open the attachment list where you can download and delete any attachments.

To call another test:

If you call another test (we recommend a template test) from within the current test, you include the test's steps in the current test.

  1. Open the test that you want to add steps to.

  2. In the Design Steps tab, click Call to Test.

    If there are already existing design steps, select the step below which you want to call a test and click Call to Test.

  3. From the Select Test window, select the test you want to call.

    If you want to call non-template tests, clear the Show Only Template Tests option.

  4. Click Add.

    A call to the selected test is inserted. The Step Name and Description column are auto-filled with a link named Call <called test name>. You can click the link to open the called test. When you run the current test, the design steps of the called test are listed accordingly.

To adjust step order

To adjust the order of a step, hover over the icon in the front of the step, and drag and drop the step to the target location.

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Mark a test as a template test

If there are common instructions in a test that can be repeated in several tests, you can mark the test as a template test. For example, the test about logging in to the application can be a template test.


You can only mark manual tests as template tests.

To mark a test as a template test:

  1. From the tests tree, hover over the target test.

  2. Click More Actions > Mark as Template Test.

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View requirement coverage

In the Req Coverage tab of a test, you can view the requirements linked to the test.

Requirement coverage grid

The requirement coverage grid shows the following information. You can click Select Columns to select displayed columns.

Column Description
Entity Name Name of the requirement linked to the test.
Coverage Status

Direct Cover Status of the requirement, that is the current status of the requirement, determined according to the status of the tests associated with the requirement.

Coverage Type Type of the coverage.
Coverage Mode

Whether the requirement is covered by selected test configurations or all test configurations of the test.

  • All Configurations. If all test configurations of the test are linked to the requirement, the coverage mode is All Configurations.

  • Selected Configurations. If selected test configurations of the test are linked to the requirement, the coverage mode is Selected Configurations.

Req: <requirement fields> Requirement details fields.

Test Configuration Settings

Expand the Test Configuration Settings section to view the test configurations associated with the selected requirement coverage.

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Link defects to tests

Link existing defects to tests.

To link defects to a test:

  1. Open the test and click the Linked Defects tab.

  2. Click Link Existing Defect > By ID.

  3. Enter the defect ID and click Link. The defect must already exist in ALM.

    Click the defect's link to open it in the Defects tab.

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Track test details changes

You can track the changes made to the details of a test.

Only changes to test fields that have History enabled are recorded.

To track test details changes:

  1. In the Test Plan tab, from the tests tree, select the target test.

  2. Open the History tab. By default, it displays all changes to the test details, grouped by change date and changer.

  3. To view changes made to a specific field, from the Field drop-down list, select the field.

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See also: