Libraries Module Window

The Libraries module window enables you to create and manage libraries and baselines.

To access

On the OpenText Application Quality Management sidebar, under Management, select Libraries.

Important information

Editions:Quality Center Enterprise Edition does not include all Libraries module functionality. For information about editions and their functionality, seeEditions and lifecycle. To find out which edition you are using, ask your site administrator.

Relevant tasks
See also

Libraries Overview

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element


<Libraries module common UI elements>
<Libraries tree>

A graphical representation of your libraries.

<Filter status bar>

Describes the filter currently applied to the tree. Located directly above the libraries tree.

Details tab

Describes the library folder, library, or baseline selected in the libraries tree.

content tab

Displays the entities included in the selected library. For details, see Content Tab.

Imported By tab

Displays a list of projects that have imported the selected library. For details, see Imported By Tab.

Editions:Available only for the ALM edition and OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering Edition. For information about editions and their functionality, seeEditions and lifecycle. To find out which edition you are using, ask your site administrator.

Imported From tab

Displays details about the library from which the currently selected library was imported. This tab is visible only when the selected library is imported. For details, see Imported From Tab.

Editions:Available only for the ALM edition and OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering Edition. For information about editions and their functionality, seeEditions and lifecycle. To find out which edition you are using, ask your site administrator.

Description tab

A description of the currently selected library folder, library, or baseline.

Click in the text box to display a toolbar for formatting and spell checking the text.