New Library/Library Details Dialog Box

The New Library dialog box enables you to add a library to a library folder.

The Library Details dialog box enables you to view and update the details and content of a library.

To access

New Library dialog box: In the Libraries module, right-click a library folder and select Create Library.

Library Details dialog box: In the Libraries module, right-click a library and select Library Details.

Relevant tasks

How to Use Libraries and Baselines

See also

Libraries Overview

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


Clear All Fields. Clears the data.

Available from: New Library dialog box

Send by E-mail. Opens the Send E-mail dialog box, enabling you to send a library by email to recipients selected from a list. For user interface details, see Send email about entities.

Available from: Library Details dialog box

Send IM. Opens the Select IM Participants dialog box, enabling you to send an IM to selected users. For details, see Send instant messages.

Available from: Library Details dialog box

Check Spelling. Checks the spelling for the selected word or text box.

Thesaurus. Displays a synonym, antonym, or related word for the selected word.

Spelling Options. Enables you to configure the way OpenText Application Quality Management checks spelling.


The name you assign to the library.

Syntax exceptions: A library name cannot include the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |


Lists library fields. Required fields are displayed in red. For details on the available library fields, see Libraries Module Fields.


Enables you to select entities in your project to include in the library. For details, see Content Tab.


A description of the library. Clicking inside the Description field displays a toolbar for formatting and spell checking the text.

Library ID

A unique numeric ID for the library that OpenText Application Quality Management assigns automatically.