Create releases and cycles

Define releases and add cycles to each release using Web Client.

Releases and cycles overview

The issue of application releases is often challenging. It requires aligning your business priorities and quality expectations with your project requirements, tests, and defects. Most applications require testing on multiple hardware platforms, multiple configurations (computers, operating systems, and browsers), and multiple application versions. Managing all aspects of an application release can be time-consuming and difficult. You begin the application management process by defining releases.

OpenText Application Quality Management enables you to organize and track your upcoming releases by defining releases and cycles.


A release represents a group of changes in one or more applications that will be available for distribution at the same time. Each release can contain a number of cycles.


A cycle is a set of development and quality assurance efforts performed to achieve a common goal based on the release timeline. Both releases and cycles have defined start and end dates.

Assign releases and cycles to requirements After defining releases and cycles, you define and review requirements and assign them to releases and cycles.
Assign cycles to test sets

After assigning requirements to releases and cycles, you create test set folders and assign them to cycles.

After assigning test set folders to a cycle, you run the test sets under these test set folders.

If an application flaw is detected while running a test set, you can submit a defect. OpenText Application Quality Management automatically creates a link between the test run, associated release and cycle, and the new defect.

Assign releases and cycles to defects

A defect can be submitted to an OpenText Application Quality Management project from any module at any stage of the application management process. While reviewing and deciding which new defects need to be fixed, the defects can be assigned to the appropriate release and cycle.

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Create a release folder

To define releases and cycles in a hierarchical releases tree, you first create release folders and then add releases and cycles to folders. You can create a release folder under the root Release folder or any existing release folder.

Create a release folder

To create a release folder:

  1. Select the folder under which you want to create the new release folder.

  2. Click New Release Folder (), and enter a name.

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > New Release Folder.

Create a release folder by cut

To create a release folder by cutting and pasting:

  1. Select the folder you want to cut.

  2. Click Cut ().

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > Cut.

  3. Select the folder under which you want to add the new folder, and click Paste ().

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > Paste.

Rename a release folder

To rename a release folder:

  1. Hover over the folder you want to rename, and select More Actions > Rename.

    Alternatively, open the folder and update the Name field.

  2. Enter the new name.

Delete a release folder

To delete a release folder:

  1. Select the folder you want to delete and click Delete.

    Alternatively, you can hover over the folder and select More Actions > Delete.

  2. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes. The release folder and its child releases and associations with other entities are also deleted.

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Create releases and cycles

You can add releases in a release folder, and add cycles to a release.

To add a release in a release folder:

  1. Select the folder under which you want to add the release.

  2. Click New Release .

    Alternatively, hover over the folder, and click More Actions > New Release.

    You can add a release by cutting an existing release. To cut a release, select the release, click Cut, select the release folder where you want to add the new release, and click Paste.

  3. Provide all required information for the release, and click Submit.

To add a cycle to a release:

  1. Select the release under which you want to add a cycle.

  2. Click New Cycle .

    Alternatively, hover over the release, and click More Actions > New Cycle.

  3. Provide all required information for the cycle, and click Submit.

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See also: