
In Micro Focus Connect there are three main areas to review when a problem occurs during a connection run. In the UI you can refer to the Connection messages and Audit sections. The log files provide additional details. For details, see Gather debug information.

Connection messages

Connection messages provide:

  • High level details about the Connection run. For example, the details include where the connection is within an iteration cycle, how many items are visible, and what actions were taken..
  • General errors encountered during the run. For example, an inability to connect to data sources or failure to access a project. You can find details of the problem in the Connect.log and Connect-Err.log files. Depending on the type of error, it may result in the Connection stopping. If you enabled email notifications, you will also receive an email regarding these errors.

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Audit tab

The Audit tab provides additional insight into items that were created or updated during a Connection run.

Select a Connection, and click the Audit tab.

To display audit information:

  1. Define a filter of the information you want to display in the left pane.

    To focus on failed actions, in the Operation Type filter, select Failed Action.

  2. Click Run. The most recent activity of the Connection is displayed, broken down by iteration, project, operation type, item type, and item.

If an error occurred, the information includes the failure cause, and the failure stack trace with more details (when trace level is enabled). In most cases, these messages are the error that is returned by the product in the connection, for example, Jira or ALM Octane.

Note: If you purge the database at regular intervals, the Audit tab only shows the data since the last purge. Older audit data is exported into a file by the Purge scripts, and saved in the backup folder.

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Common issues

The following section lists some issues that you may encounter.

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Database issues

The following section lists an issue that you may encounter with the Micro Focus Connect database.

Issue: A 500 error is issued in the browser, upon the startup of Micro Focus Connect.

Solution: Follow these steps:

  1. On the Micro Focus Connect server machine, stop the Micro Focus Connect service.

  2. Open the error log and search for the following: org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException: Recovery failed unexpected problem: Log record is Not first but transaction is not in transaction table :. If this message is present, the error is most probably due to the recovery mechanism.

  3. Navigate to the installation folder..\Connect\AppData\data\db\log and delete its contents.

  4. Check that you have enough disk space on the Micro Focus Connect machine. If necessary, free up or allocate additional disk space,

  5. Restart the Micro Focus Connect service, and verify that you can log in successfully.

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Issues with synchronizing ALM/QC projects

This section describes common issues that you may encounter when syncing ALM/QC projects.

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Support requests

To facilitate the routing of Micro Focus Connect support requests, follow these guidelines:

  • SaaS. If the OpenText product you are trying to synchronize using Micro Focus Connect is deployed as a SaaS service, go to the SaaS My Account site and click the Support tab. Add "Connect" to the title and description.

  • On-premises. If the OpenText product you are trying to synchronize using Micro Focus Connect is deployed on-premises, go to the Support site and select the product under support—not Connect. Choose "Connect" as the sub-product. We recommend that you also add "Micro Focus Connect" as a prefix for the case title and to the top of the case description.

For initial assistance with Micro Focus Connect or the ValueEdge Integration Hub, contact the on-boarding team at

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See also: