
This topic offers a brief introduction to Deployment Automation.

Deployment Automation overview

Deployment Automation automates software deployment, which is the process of moving software through various preproduction stages to final production.

Typically, each stage represents a step of higher criticality, such as quality assurance to production.

Software deployment complexity increases with more releases to deploy, more deployment targets, more types of deployment targets, shortened deployment cycles, and changes in technology.

Deployment Automation helps you meet the deployment challenge by providing tools that improve deployment speeds while simultaneously improving their reliability.

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Deployment Automation workflow

With Deployment Automation, you can:

  • Model processes that orchestrate complex deployments across every environment and approval gate with complete visibility into n-tiered deployments.

  • Visualize the end-to-end deployment process and develop the big picture, the What, How, and Where of the deployment workflow, using drag-and-drop design tools.

    What The deployable artifacts that Deployment Automation delivers to target destinations. Artifacts can be binaries, static content, middleware updates, database changes and configurations, and anything else associated with the software.
    How Combine deployable artifacts with processes to create components and design applications that coordinate and orchestrate multicomponent deployments.
    Where The target destination's hosts and environments.

    The following diagram displays the Deployment Automation workflow.

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    See also: