
This glossary contains a list of key terms commonly used in Deployment Automation.


Agents are physical resources for deployment. To run a deployment, an agent must be installed on the target server.
See Manage agents.

Agent Pools

An agent pool is a set of agents that is logically grouped together.
See Manage agent pools.

Agent Relays

Agent relays are used to manage communication between servers and agents. Agent relays are typically used when agents are dispersed across geographic locations or must communicate through firewalls. Agent relays can also be used to manage network traffic in implementations where you have many agents.
See Manage agent relays.

ALF Events

ALF (Application Lifecycle Framework) is an integrative layer for some OpenText products. These events can be used for custom integrations from SBM to Deployment Automation.
See ALF events and Integrate with SBM.


Aliases are alternate names that are assigned to agents and agent relays when configuring mutual authentication.
See Configure SSL mutual authentication.


Applications bring together components with their deployment targets and orchestrate multicomponent deployments.
See Manage applications.

Application Environments

Application environments are environments that have been added to an application. Each application environment has its own set of operations and data within the context of the application, including inventory and compliance status. Environments can be added to multiple applications individually or as part of pipelines.
See Application environments.

Application Processes

Application processes are typically configured from processes defined for their associated components.
See Application processes.

Application Tasks

An application task is used to interrupt an application process until some manual intervention is performed.
See Create application tasks.


Approvals enable process requests to run in application environments that require them.
See Approvals.

Approval Processes

Approval processes tell Deployment Automation what to do when an application environment requires approval.
See Design approval processes.


Artifacts are files, images, databases, or other software elements associated with components.
See Components.

Artifact Repository

See CodeStation.

Authentication Realms

Authentication realms determine a user's identity within an authorization realm.
See Security administration.

Authorization Realms

Authorization realms associate users with roles and work with authentication realms to determine which users can access Deployment Automation.
See Security administration.


A blackout of a date means that no deployments can be scheduled and no snapshots can be made on that date. A blackout is set per environment, per application.
See Set deployment blackouts.


CodeStation is an embedded repository that handles artifact versioning in Deployment Automation. You can direct Deployment Automation to introduce artifacts into CodeStation from the file system or from external source control tools that you identify when you select the Source Config Type for a component.
See Artifact repository.


An environment is compliant if the last requested processes successfully ran in that environment.
See Inventory management.


Components typically map to a functional part of a real world application, and represent deployable items, or artifacts, such as files, images, databases, and configuration materials.
See Manage components.

Component Processes

Component processes define how the component should be deployed, installed or interacted with. A process typically contains a sequence of interdependent plugin steps, and may include complex logic for actions to perform if a step of the process fails.
See Create and design component processes.

Component Tasks

A component task is used to interrupt a component process until some manual intervention is performed.
See Create component tasks.

Component Templates

Component templates enable you to save and reuse component processes and properties and create components from them; template-based components inherit the template properties and processes.
See Component templates.

Component Versions

Component versions are instances of a Deployment Automation component.
See Component versions.

Configuration Templates

Configuration templates enable you to save and reuse configuration data in processes. Typically, the data is for server configurations, for example, on Tomcat servers, but the data can be for any purpose.
See Configuration templates.


Deployment is a process request execution that results in component versions or snapshots being installed onto one or more target environments.
See Run deployment processes.

Deployment Packages

Deployment packages enable you to deploy artifacts for multiple applications. They may also include component processes where components are shared among multiple applications and associated versions are to be deployed as part of the larger package. See Manage deployment packages.


Environments represent logical deployment locations. Deployment processes must run in at least one environment. Environments and their resources are used by applications and components at runtime.
See Manage environments.


You can export objects from a Deployment Automation server and subsequently import them into another Deployment Automation server. Export is done on an object-by-object basis, whereas replication export can alternatively be used to export an entire application.
See Replication.


Gates ensure that component versions or snapshots are deployed into environments only if their status meets certain conditions.
See Create gates.

Global Processes

Global processes are processes that are not associated with a particular application or component.
See Manage global processes.


See Authorization Realms.


You can export objects from a Deployment Automation server and subsequently import them into another Deployment Automation server. Import is done on an object-by-object basis, whereas replication import can alternatively be used to import an entire application.
See Replication.


Inventory implies components, snapshots, and configurations deployed to any resource.
See Inventory management.

Inventory Statuses

Inventory statuses can be applied to component versions when they are successfully deployed to resources.
See Define and use statuses.


Deployment Automation uses locks to ensure that processes do not interfere with one another.
See Manage locks.

Network Relays

Network relays can be used in multiple-server configurations to manage the communication between servers, and in disaster recovery server implementations.

To configure server-to-agent communication for agent-initiated or server-initiated HTTP(S) communication, use Agent Relays. See Create network relays.

Notification Schemes

Notification schemes define what events should generate notifications and who should get these notifications.
See Configure notification schemes.

Notification Templates

Notification templates define the format of the information that you want to send in the email notifications for given situations.
See Configure email notifications.

Mutual Authentication

In mutual authentication mode, communications are encrypted as usual, but users are also required to authenticate themselves by providing digital certificates.
See Configure SSL mutual authentication.

Output Log

The output log is the Deployment Automation server log.
See View the output log.


A pipeline is a predefined sequence of environments in which application process requests run.
See Manage pipelines.


Plugins provide functionality in discrete steps to be used in component and global processes for configuration of or deployment into target environments.
See Component plugin steps.


See Component Processes, Application Processes, Global Processes, and Approval Processes.


Properties are parameters that are referenced in process steps.
See Use properties.


Replication enables you to export and import whole sets of Deployment Automation objects.
See Replication.


Resources represent a deployment target on a Deployment Automation environment. Examples include physical machines, virtual machines, databases, or J2EE containers.
See Manage resources.

Resource Groups

A resource group is a logical collection of resources. Resource groups help you organize and manage the agents installed in different environments throughout the network.
See Create resource groups.


Roles provide the building blocks for the security system. Roles have permissions that define the actions their members, users or groups, can perform with product features.
See Role configuration and Set role membership by product area.


The schedule option enables you to schedule application processes and blackout dates for application environments.
See Schedule deployments.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology enables clients and servers to communicate securely by encrypting all communications.
See Configure SSL mutual authentication.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single sign-on (SSO) enables Deployment Automation to integrate more easily with other OpenText products. Login information is passed automatically through SSO. There is no need to prompt for login credentials as information flows between products.
See Create authentication realms.


A snapshot captures an application's current state, and as the application moves through different environments, the snapshot ensures that proper component versions are used.
See Snapshots.

Snapshot Statuses

You can apply and enforce conditions on application gates based on snapshot statuses.
See Define and use statuses.

Source Config Type

A source config type is an integration from which you can load artifacts into Deployment Automation as component versions.
See Use source configuration types.


See Inventory Statuses, Snapshot Statuses, and Version Statuses.


See Application Tasks and Component Tasks.


Timelines show the number of processes run and graphical indicators of success or failure.
See View deployment timelines.


Tokens provide authorization for agents and users.
See Create authorization tokens.


See Authorization Realms.


See Component Versions.

Version Statuses

You can apply and enforce conditions on application gates based on component version statuses.
See Define and use statuses.

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