Manage components

This section introduces Deployment Automation components and provides instructions on creating, configuring, and managing them.

About components

Components typically map to a functional part of a real world application and represent deployable items, or artifacts, such as files, images, databases, and configuration materials.

Components have user-defined component processes that operate on those items, usually by deploying them. Components also have versions, which are used to ensure that proper component instances are deployed.

When you create a component, you identify the source and define how to transfer the artifacts to Deployment Automation. The artifacts can come from a number of sources, including file systems, build servers, such as Jenkins, configuration management systems, such as Dimensions CM, source control systems, such as Subversion and PVCS, and Maven repositories. Each component represents artifacts from a single source.

During the automatic or manual version import, Deployment Automation uploads the component's artifacts to the Deployment Automation artifact repository called CodeStation. This stores component versions.

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Components page

To work with components, go to Management > Components in the Deployment Automation user interface.

The following table describes what you can do on the Components page.

Task Description
View details

View the following details about a component:

  • Name and description
  • Date of creation
  • The user role for the component
  • The template the component uses, if any
  • The applications in which the component is used

You can sort information by displayed columns.


Filter components:

  • By the owner: owned by you or owned by anybody.
  • By state, such as Active or Inactive.
Search Search components by name, description, user role, or template.
Create To create a component, click the Create button. For details, see Create components.

For information on the available source configuration types you can use as an artifact source, see Use source configuration types.
Import To import a component, click the Import button. For details, see Import and export components.
Edit To modify the component's basic details, click the Edit icon next to the component.
Copy To copy a component, click the Copy icon next to the component.
Inactivate To deactivate a component, click the Inactivate icon next to the component.

To re-activate a component, click the Show Inactive button, and then click the Activate icon next to the component.
Export To export a component, click the Export icon next to the component. For details, see Import and export components.
Remove To remove a component, click the Remove icon next to the component.

To create or import component templates, select the Component Templates tab. Like with components, you can edit, deactivate, or export component templates by clicking the relevant icon next to the template.

For details on working with component templates, see Component templates.

Clicking the name of a component opens the selected component's page with more configuration options.

The following table describes the options on the component's page.

Option Description
Activity View a graphical roll-up of activity for the component, including deployment summary and scheduled deployments.

To view deployment history for the component, click the View Deployment History link.
Details To modify the component's details, click Edit.

View and add component properties:

  • To add a single property, click Add Property.
  • To add or edit multiple properties, click Batch Edit.

For details, see Add or edit component properties.

Inventory Filter inventory to view the associated applications or resources.
Versions Import versions to the component. For details, see Import component versions.

To deactivate or delete an existing version, click the relevant icon next to the version.
Processes Create a component process. For details, see Create and design component processes.

To view details, copy, deactivate, or delete an existing process, click the relevant icon next to the process.
Tasks Create manual tasks that you can later incorporate into a component process. For details, see Create component tasks.
Templates Create configuration templates. For details, see Configuration templates.
History View deployment and change history for the component.

Deployment Automation retains information about modifications to components so that you can keep the history of changes for components and the history of processes run against the components.
Security Set role membership and default permissions for the component.

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See also: