Install the first server
This topic explains how to install the first Deployment Automation server for a disaster recovery implementation.
To install the first server:
Create an Oracle, SQL Server, or PostresSQL database on a separate machine. For details, see Prepare your database.
Note: You cannot set up a disaster recovery implementation using the Derby database provided with the installer.
Install the first Deployment Automation server. For details, see Install server.
The DA user profile is installed into the designated directory, for example:
This profile is shared with subsequent server installations. Ensure that all the machines you use for disaster recovery can access the installation directory.
Share the directory where the Deployment Automation user profile is stored. Configure proper access to its content for network clients.
To share the profile location, follow these guidelines:
Make sure that the shared network storage does not reside on any of the Deployment Automation servers. Otherwise, it introduces a dependency on one node always being available and invalidates disaster recovery principles.
Shared storage should be accessed using a symbolic directory link or mapped drive created on each of the Deployment Automation servers.
Caution: If you use a UNC path on Windows, you cannot run Deployment Automation as a service. Use a mapped drive instead.
On each Deployment Automation server, configure the Common Tomcat service to run using a domain service account. The account must have full access to the following:
- The shared network location.
- The Deployment Automation and Common Tomcat installation directories on each Deployment Automation server.
After installing the first server, install other servers in your disaster recovery configuration. For details, see Install more servers.
Next steps: