Set up integration with ChangeMan ZMF

The integration between Deployment Automation and ChangeMan ZMF is enabled through the ChangeMan ZMF plugin and ALM Solutions Connector.

Follow these steps to configure ChangeMan ZMF and ALM Solutions Connector for use with Deployment Automation:

Step 1 Set up the mainframe portion of the ALM Solutions Connector. For details, see Configure ALM Solutions Connector on the mainframe.
Step 2 For ALM Solutions Connector to work, configure ChangeMan ZMF. For details, see Configure ChangeMan ZMF.
Step 3 Install the ALM Solutions Connector services on the Deployment Automation application server. For details, see Install the ALM Solutions Connector services.
Step 4 Configure additional integration files on the application server. For details, see Configure the integration files.
Step 5 Load the supported version of the ChangeMan ZMF plugin, for example,, into Deployment Automation. For details on how to add plugins, see Load and upgrade plugins.
Step 6

Set up the ChangeMan ZMF processes in Deployment Automation. For details on how to create processes, see Create and design component processes.

For details on the ChangeMan ZMF plugin steps, see ChangeMan ZMF plugin.

Upgrade Deployment Automation: Whenever you upgrade your Deployment Automation server, you may need to reconfigure your current ChangeMan ZMF integration. For details, see Reconfigure ChangeMan ZMF integration after server upgrade.

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