Set default permissions

This topic describes how to set default permissions for different product areas of Deployment Automation.


You can set default permissions globally for all users for a product area, or for individual user groups within an area.

By default, a product area's permissions are not enabled for any user or group, except for the admin user, which has all permissions for all role types. Use the Default Permissions page to set default permissions for the groups you create and for those included with the product.

Users that you add to a group inherit the group's default permissions.

Deployment Automation includes several role types mapped to product areas. Each role type has default roles with permissions that are appropriate for those roles. Groups added to a role inherit the role's permissions. For details, see Role configuration.

Note: Default permissions cannot be granted for system and UI security.

The following table describes permissions that are common to most Deployment Automation product areas.

Permission Description
Security Enables users to change an item's security settings. For example, a user with this permission for agents can determine which users can view, configure, and set security for them.
Write Enables users to add, change, and delete items. For example, a user with this permission for components can create a component.
Read Enables users to view an item, but not change it or create another of its type. For example, a user with this permission for agents can see agents within the user interface, but cannot modify them or create another unless granted additional permissions.
Execute Enables users to run processes associated with applications, components, environments, and resources. Users must also have read permission for an item before actually executing it.

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Set default permissions

Select a product area and set its permissions for all users and specific groups.

To set default permissions for product areas:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Security.
  2. Select the Default Permissions tab.
  3. In the side menu, select a product area to view the permissions available for it.

  4. Under the All Users Permissions tab, select the permissions you want to grant for all users.

    Under the Groups Permissions tab, select the permissions you want set for each group.

User-defined groups are configured independently. For details, see Authorization realms and groups.

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See also: