Manage devices

The Device Lab provides visibility and control of devices and connectors in the mobile lab. When preparing a test with a testing tool, select your device through your testing tool. For details, see UFT Mobile wizard.

Device display

Click Device Lab > Devices to display the devices in the lab.

  • Shared space administrators see all the devices that have been connected to UFT Mobile. A shared space admin user also has full control over the devices and the workspaces to which they belong.
  • Other users see all UFT Mobile shared devices (devices in Shared assets), as well as devices assigned to the workspace in which they are working.

In the top right-hand corner, you can see the number of devices that match the current filter, out of the total number of connected devices. You can also view the devices in a list. Click the List and Card view buttons to toggle between the views.

The following details are displayed for devices:

Device lab information

An icon indicates the device lab. There is no icon for on-premises devices. Cloud device labs are indicated as follows:

Micro Focus hosted devices
AWS Device Farm
Genymotion Cloud
Tencent WeTest

Use the options in the filter pane on the left to filter by device type, or by lab. For example, on-premises, Micro Focus, or AWS.
For details about Micro Focus hosted devices, see Connect devices to UFT Mobile.

Settings app blocked An icon indicates if you are not permitted to change the settings on the device.

If your administrator has not granted permission to change the settings on the device, or if you are using a Micro Focus public device, the Settings app blocked icon is displayed. If the Settings app could not be blocked for non-admin users, a warning icon is displayed. Note: Although users can still interact with the Settings app, replay will fail with a 2700 error.
Public device The public device icon is displayed when the device is a public device, for example a public Micro Focus hosted device.
Connection time The clock icon is displayed for cloud device labs. Hover over the icon to view the date and time that the device was connected. For Micro Focus public devices that are still in the process of connecting, this icon displays the time the device was requested.
Position in queue

For Micro Focus public devices only.

A field indicating your position in the queue for a matching device. When a Micro Focus public device is not yet available for connection, the request for the device is placed in a queue. The position in queue information gives you an indication of how many others are waiting ahead of you for a matching device.

Virtual device The virtual device icon is displayed when the device is an emulator/simulator and not a physical device.
Operating system and version A read-only field indicating the operating system and version.
Device name

A field indicating the name of the device. The default name is the model number of the device.

To edit the device name, click it in Card view.
Note:  If your administrator has not granted you permission to update this field, you will not be able to edit the device name.

Manufacturer, model, and ID A read-only field indicating the device information.
Workspace name A field indicating the workspace to which the device is assigned.
Device health status

The device health issue icon indicates that one of the device metrics exceeds a defined threshold. Hover over the icon to see details about the exceeded threshold. Shared space admin users can configure thresholds for all device health indicators in the Administration settings.

Maintenance mode The maintenance icon indicates that the device is in maintenance mode. Only shared space admin users can access devices that are in maintenance mode.
Availability A field indicating availability and reservations for the device. For example, Available or Reserved by... Until. Click this section to view and create reservations. In card view, the triangle at the bottom right of the device indicates the reservation status. In list view, you can see the reservation status in the availability column. For details, see View and manage device reservations.

Note: To use iOS devices with UFT Mobile you must re-sign the Agent apps with a Development certificate of an Apple Developer account. For details, see Re-sign the Agent apps. You do not need to re-sign the Agent apps for Micro Focus public and private hosted devices, ADF devices, and WeTest devices.

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Finding specific devices

Find a specific device in one of the following ways:

  • Search. Click the Search button at the top of the Devices screen. In the text box, specify the name, device ID, model, or manufacturer of the device.
  • Filter. To focus on what is important to you, use the filter in the left panel to limit the items that are displayed. Using the filter panel, you can specify your criteria in areas including the following:

    OS Operating System: Android or iOS. Use the slider to select an OS version.
    Form factor The device type - phone or tablet.
    Manufacturer The manufacturer of the device.
    Physical/ Virtual The device type - physical device or emulator/simulator.

    Availability of the device:

    • Available. Available devices
    • Reserved for me. Devices reserved for you or that are currently in use by you.
    • Reserved for others. Devices that have been reserved for someone else or are currently in use by someone else.
    •  Disconnected. Devices that are not connected. The device cards of disconnected devices are faded. Hover over the connection issues icon to view the issues that were detected when trying to connect the device.

    Maintenance status of the device:

    • In maintenance. Devices on which maintenance mode has been activated. Only shared space admin users can access these devices.
    • Not in maintenance. Devices on which maintenance mode has not been activated. Because non shared space admin users are not able to access devices in maintenance, this option is useful to filter out devices that temporarily cannot be used.
    Lab The device lab: on-premises; Micro Focus hosted devices; AWS devices; WeTest; Genymotion.
    Workspace The workspace to which the device is assigned.
    Connector The connector to which the devices are connected.

    Tip: Use the Clear link in the upper right corner of the filter panel to remove all your device filters.

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Device management

The device management options are displayed when you hover over a device in Card view or select it in List view.

The following options are displayed on the device card:

Note: In list view, the icons are similar but not identical. The options are displayed in the toolbar above the device list.

Option Use this to ...

Open device remotely.

  • For Available or Reserved for me devices, access the device remotely. This reserves the device for 30 minutes or uses an existing reservation, allowing you to interact with the device and conduct exploratory testing.

  • If the device is Reserved and In Use By Me, the interaction with the device in the remote session is limited. Most options in the control panel will not be available. This option is useful when you want to remotely connect to a device while an unattended test (such as an Appium test) is running.

  • If the device is Reserved for or In use by others, or if you do not have the adequate license capacity, this button will be disabled.

For more information about device states, see View and manage device reservations.

When you are finished working with the device, click the button in the top right-hand corner of the remote window. This closes the session and deletes the device reservation.

For information about exploratory testing and interacting with the device, see Device access window.


  • Parallel remote sessions on the same device are not supported.
  • If you have many tabs (60+) open in your native mobile browser, the remote view may be unresponsive.

Remove device.

To remove an on-premises device, it must first be disconnected from UFT Mobile.

Unlock device.

Release a device that is locked. This ends the device session and unlocks the device.

For example, the administrator may need to unlock a device if it was not automatically unlocked when the test finished, or if another user needs to perform some urgent validation of an app on a specific device model.

Download Dev Access.

Dev Access enables you to connect devices in the UFT Mobile lab from within your developer IDE. For details, see Dev Access and Dev Access CLI tool. Note that Dev Access is not supported on Micro Focus public devices, ADF devices, WeTest devices, and on emulators.

More. This option opens the Device information window:

  • The top section of the window displays general information about the device: its ID; name; workspace; and availability.

  • This window has four tabs: Details, Metrics, Reservations and Actions.

You can also access the Device Information window by clicking the lower section of a device card (for example, where it says Available).

More > Details

View details about the device including the URL of the device in remote view, the Agent version, connector, language, and time zone.

Share a specific device with testers by using the device's URL string. They can access the device directly with the URL string, without having to open the UFT Mobile lab and manually navigate to the device.

More > Metrics

View device health and if a device is ready for running tests. Metrics include details such as:

  • Latency
    This represents the latency between the client and connector to which the device is connected. For optimal remote view performance, select a device with good latency. The latency is considered good if it is less than 100 ms (green), mediocre if it ranges between 100 and 200 ms (yellow), poor if it ranges between 200 and 300 ms (red), and bad if it exceeds 300 ms (gray).
  • Free/Total disk space

  • WiFi metrics (SSID, signal strength, WiFi state).
    Android: To view these metrics on Android devices running on version 9 and later, Location services must be enabled in the device settings.
    On Android 10 and later, to view the SSID, location permission must be enabled to allow the Agent app location access at all times.
    iOS: SSID is supported only for version 11.
  • Screen brightness and resolution
  • Device temperature (iOS only)
  • Thermal state (supported on iOS and on Android version 10 and later).
    On iOS devices, the thermal states are classified as Nominal, Fair, Serious, and Critical. For details on the four thermal states, see the Apple Developer documentation.
    For Android, the thermal states are classified as None (0), Light (1), Moderate (2), Severe (3), Critical (4), Emergency (5), and Shutdown (6). For details, see the Android Open Source Project documentation.
  • Battery health and temperature (Android only)

You can also get an alert when a device metric such as WiFi connectivity, thermal state, or device temperature deviates from a configured threshold value. For details, see the section on device health settings in Administration settings.

More > Reservations View the list of current reservations for the device or create a new reservation.
More > Actions

Perform the following additional actions on the device:

  • Restart device : For a shared space admin user, restart the device, including a device that is in use. For non-admin users, this action is only enabled for available devices, or devices reserved for or in use by you.
    Note: Restart device is not available for WeTest devices.
  • Reconnect device : Re-launch the Agent on the device. If this fails, you may need to access the physical device.
  • Device Maintenance Mode: This option is not supported on AWS and Genymotion Cloud devices.
    Shared space admin users can toggle on maintenance mode to temporarily display a device as being in maintenance, for example to upgrade a device. Only shared space admins can access a device that is in maintenance mode.


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View and manage connectors

This section is relevant only for shared space admin users.

You can view connector details in the Device Lab > Connectors tab. The grid displays the connector details such as its name, host, and the number of connected devices.

You can perform the following actions:

View device and Agent details
  • To view the devices associated with a specific connector, click the X Devices link in the row of that connector. The Devices view opens with the devices filtered for the selected connector.

  • You can also see when the Agent apps were last distributed to connectors. Hover over the eyeicon, to view the versions of the Agent apps that were last distributed.

Add a new connector

Click Download Connector.
Alternatively, expand the Help menu, and select Download Connector. Download the connector for your version.

If you are a non-admin user, your administrator needs to provide you an access key before you can install connectors and connect devices. For details, see Access key management.

For more details on installing connectors, see Install the connector on a Windows machine, Install the connector on a Linux machine, or Install the connector on a Mac machine.

Distribute the Agents Distribute the Agents to selected connectors so that the new Agent apps can be copied to the connected devices.
  1. Select the required connectors in the grid and click Distribute Agents at the top of the grid.
  2. The distribution begins. Refresh the page to see the distribution status in the Last Distributed column of the grid.
  3. When the distribution status is complete, you need to reconnect the devices. Reconnect devices using one of the following options:
    • Select the relevant connectors in the grid and click Reconnect devices.
    • From the Devices screen of the Lab console, restart the iOS devices associated with that connector.
    • Physically disconnect and reconnect the devices.
    The new Agent apps will be copied from the connector to the connected devices.
Reconnect devices

To reconnect devices connected to a specific connector, select the connector in the list of connectors and click Reconnect devices at the top of the grid.


  • This action cannot be performed on a disconnected connector.

  • This action is required after the Agent app distribution status is complete.

Restart all devices

To restart all devices connected to a specific connector, select the connector in the list of connectors and click .

Note: This action cannot be performed on a disconnected connector.

Remove a connector You can only remove a disconnected connector. The button removes the connector from the list of connectors; it does not delete the physical connector installed on a remote machine. When a connector that has been removed is restarted, it will be displayed again in the grid.

Tip: You can select multiple connectors and apply an action to all the selected connectors.

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View and manage device reservations

Click Device Lab > Reservations tab to view, manage, or create reservations for a device. This screen provides details about current and future reservations. A green circle next to the reservation start time indicates that a test is currently running on the device. A blue circle indicates a future reservation. You can also edit or delete reservations in this screen. Shared space admin users can filter reservations by user and workspace.

Note: The time on the UFT Mobile server machine must correspond with the time zone in which the server is located. If the server time does not match the local time, devices will not be reserved at the correct time.

To create a reservation:

  1. Click + New Reservation.

  2. In the Create Reservation window, select a device or several devices.

    You can make a reservation for a specific device, provided that you have access to the workspace to which it is assigned. Your administrator can set up workspaces and assign you to one or more of them.

  1. Select the date and time for starting and ending the reservation.
    Your administrator may have set limits for device reservations. These may impact the number of reservations that you can make, and the total time that you can reserve devices from a specific workspace or from Shared assets.

After you reserve a device, it will be locked for you at that time. The Reservations screen indicates that you reserved it, and shows the start and end times.

The reservation status of a device is also displayed in the Devices screen. In Card view, the triangle at the bottom right of the device indicates its status. In List view, the status is indicated in the availability column.

Card List Reservation status
Reserved for you
Reserved and in use by you
Reserved for someone else
Reserved and in use by someone else

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Connect Micro Focus hosted private devices

You can use both public and private devices hosted by Micro Focus for your mobile testing. For public devices, see Connect Micro Focus hosted public devices.

If you have a valid contract for hosted private devices, after you set up the integration with the Micro Focus hosted device lab, your private devices are displayed in the UFT Mobile lab. For details on setting up the integration, see Administration settings.

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Connect Micro Focus hosted public devices

You can use both public and private devices hosted by Micro Focus for your mobile testing. For hosted private devices, see Connect Micro Focus hosted private devices.

Before users can connect Micro Focus public devices to the lab, the administrator first needs to set up the integration. For details, see Micro Focus hosted device lab integration.

When a public device is disconnected and removed, a clean-up is performed before it becomes available to other users. For details, see Public device clean-up.

To add a Micro Focus public device:

  1. In the Device Lab tab, click + and choose Connect a public device from the dropdown. If no devices are connected to the lab, click Connect Device under the public devices option on the initial Devices page.

    Note: The option to connect a public device will only be enabled if the administrator has configured the integration with the Micro Focus public device lab and installed a public device hours license.

  2. In the Device tab of the Connect public device wizard, set the capabilities in the filter pane on the left to narrow down the list of matching devices to those most suited to your testing purposes:
    • You can select a device by OS, OS version, manufacturer, model, and location.
    • To clear the filter, click Clear at the top of the filter section.
  1. Click Connect device. A matching device will be connected.
    The device card shows the Micro Focus hosted device icon, as well as the public device icon. You can see the date and time that the device was connected by hovering over the clock icon. The Settings app blocked icon is also displayed because you are not permitted to change the settings on public devices.
  2. When a matching public device is not yet available for connection, your request for the device is placed in a queue. Your position in the queue is displayed. This gives you an indication of how many others are waiting ahead of you for a matching device. For devices that are still in the process of connecting, the clock icon displays the time the device was requested.

  3. When a device is connected to the lab, it stays connected until you click Remove , or until it is automatically disconnected and removed after one hour (maximum usage time).

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Public device clean-up

When a device is disconnected and removed, an automatic clean-up is performed before the device is made available to other users. The device is not returned to the pool until the clean-up is successful. The following cleanup actions are performed:

  • Uninstall apps except system apps and apps needed by UFT Mobile (Agents, DPC, and UIAutomator2 server).

  • Remove all photos and videos created by the user.

  • Clear Chrome website cache data and all tabs.

  • Clear Agent log.

  • Clear non-system folders and files.

Note: Google accounts added by users are currently not removed.

  • Uninstall apps except system apps and UFT Mobile Agent and WDA apps.

  • Remove all photos and albums created by the user.

  • Clear Safari website cache data and all tabs.

  • Remove all provision profiles except the profile contained in the Agent.

  • Clean all crash reports on the device.

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Connect AWS Device Farm devices

Before users can connect ADF devices to the lab, the administrator first needs to set up the AWS Device Farm integration.

You can use Amazon Device Farm (ADF) devices in all your testing scenarios:

UFTM Lab console You can add an ADF device from the UFT Mobile lab. For details, see Add an ADF device to the lab.
Micro Focus testing tools To select ADF devices with Micro Focus testing tools, open the UFT Mobile wizard.
With this option, the device is connected at the beginning of a test and disconnected at the end. We do not recommend using this if you want to use a device for more than one test because you will need to wait for the device to connect for each test.
CI (Continuous integration) To use an ADF device in CI (Continuous integration) testing, connect it using REST API calls. For details, see Use ADF devices with CI.

Additional considerations for AWS devices: 

  • Test duration on AWS is limited to 150 minutes. To extend this time, contact Amazon.

  • Amazon Fire devices are not supported.

  • ADF Public devices do not need to be connected in advance when selecting a device by capability for test automation and performance testing.

  • If you choose a device based on capabilities, but do not specify an exact operating system, the device will not appear in the UFT Mobile lab console until after the device initialization is complete.

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Add an ADF device to the lab

To enable the connection of ADF devices to the lab, the administrator first needs to set up the AWS Device Farm integration.

To add an ADF device:

  1. In the Device Lab tab, click + and choose Connect an AWS device from the dropdown. This option will only be enabled if the AWS Device Farm integration is valid. If no devices are connected to the lab, click Connect Device under the AWS device farm option on the initial Devices page.
  2. In the Device tab of the Connect ADF Device wizard, select a device to connect.
    • You can use capabilities to filter devices. Set the capabilities in the filter pane on the left. You can select a device by OS, OS version, manufacturer, model , fleet type: public or private, and availability. The list of matching devices, and their availability, are displayed.
    • You can set the filter selections according to the characteristics of a specific device, by clicking the icon next to the device. To clear the filter, click Clear at the top of the filter section.
  3. In the Apps tab of the wizard, choose the apps to install on the device. The apps available are determined by the device that you selected. For example, if you selected an iOS device in the Device tab of the wizard, only iOS apps will be available in the Apps tab.

    Note: For public iOS devices, the ADF signing service can only be used while setting up the device. You will not be able to install apps on public iOS devices at a later time. You can install apps on private ADF devices using app interactions, provided that you add the device ID to your provisioning profile. For details, see Device access window.

  4. Click Connect device.
  5. When the device is connected, the device's card shows an icon indicating that it is an ADF device, and the public device icon if the device is a public device. You can see the connection time by hovering over the clock icon .

  6. The device stays connected until you click Remove . If the ADF project execution timeout is reached, the device is disconnected. For details on the maximum usage time, see the AWS Device Farm documentation.

    ADF devices will no longer be displayed in the lab if the following cases:

    • The ADF connector is disabled.
    • AWS settings become invalid.

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Use ADF devices with CI

You can use an ADF device in CI (Continuous integration) testing using REST API calls. First make sure you have enabled AWS as described in AWS Device Farm integration.

To connect a device:

  1. Obtain the device ID with one of the following API calls:

    POST /rest/v2/awsDevice Check the response for the deviceID value.
    GET /rest/device/{deviceID} Use a temporary parameter deviceID. Continue to poll the status until the device becomes registered.
  1. After you have the deviceID value, this indicates that the device is connected. Pass the parameter storing the device ID to your REST calls in your CI job.


  • Make sure the total expected duration of the tests you plan to run on a connected device does not exceed the ADF timeout.
  • After the tests are complete, remove the ADF device from UFTM using the remove device API.

For details about using the REST API, see REST API reference for UFT Mobile.

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Download a video recording of a test

After a test run, you can download a video recording of the test from the Video section of the Amazon Device Farm test run page.

You can also download the connector log for the ADF host. For details, see Troubleshooting.

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Connect a Tencent WeTest device

You can use private devices hosted by WeTest for your mobile testing. Before you can connect WeTest devices to the lab, the administrator first needs to set up the WeTest device farm integration. For details, see Administration settings.

To add a WeTest device:

  1. In the Device Lab tab, click + and choose Connect a WeTest device from the dropdown. If no devices are connected to the lab, click Connect Device under the WeTest device farm option on the initial Devices page.

    Note: These options will only be enabled if the WeTest integration is valid. For details, see Administration settings.

  2. All the devices that are available in your private WeTest cloud are displayed in the Device tab of the Connect WeTest device wizard.
    • You can use the filter pane on the left to narrow down the list of devices. You can select a device by OS, form factor, manufacturer, and WeTest availability. The list of matching devices, and their availability, are displayed.
    • You can set the filter selections according to the characteristics of a specific device, by clicking the icon next to the device. To clear the filter, click Clear at the top of the filter section.
  1. Select a device from the list and click Connect device.
    Note: You can only select devices that are available. If a device is already connected to a slot, it will not be included in the list of devices that can be connected.
  2. When the device is connected, the device's card shows the WeTest device icon. Hover over the clock icon to see when the WeTest device was connected.

  3. A device stays connected to the slot until you click Remove . When a device is disconnected and removed, the device card is also removed.

    You can auto-disconnect all devices by disabling the WeTest integration in the administration settings. For details, see Administration settings.

Note: iOS apps signed with an Enterprise certificate cannot be installed on WeTest devices

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Connect a Genymotion Cloud emulator

Emulated devices are indicated by the virtual device icon . Genymotion cloud devices are indicated by the Genymotion device icon . For details on setting up the integration with Genymotion cloud, see Genymotion Cloud integration.

To connect a Genymotion Cloud emulator:

Move the On/Off toggle to On. Wait for the device to show the Connected status. The emulator is now ready to be used for automated or manual testing. Hover over the clock icon to see when the emulator was connected.

To stop using an emulated device, move the On/Off toggle to Off.

To add more emulators, see Genymotion Cloud integration. To remove the emulated devices, disable the integration in the Administration settings.

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This section describes some troubleshooting issues and possible solutions.

Why can't I see all my devices?

Check the filter panel to see what options are selected. UFT Mobile displays only the items that match the filter conditions. To display all items, select all the filter options and clear the search field of any text that you have entered.

To see a device, you need to have access to the workspace to which the device belongs. Make sure that your administrator has granted you access to the devices you need to test.

Why is my device still locked after I closed the remote view?

If a device remains locked after you end the remote device session, click Refresh in the Devices tab.

How can I download logs for ADF devices?

After a test run, download the connector log for the ADF host from the Amazon Device Farm test run page. In your ADF project Run & Sessions page, select the required test run. In the Files section, click Customer Artifacts to download a zip file with the logs. The connector logs are located in the Host_Machine_Files\$DEVICEFARM_LOG_DIR\log folder.

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