UFT Mobile wizard

The UFT Mobile wizard integrates with your testing tool, allowing you to make selections, such as devices and apps, from within your testing tool.

In this topic:

Open the UFT Mobile wizard

You access the wizard from your testing tool to select a device, app, and test options. You can open the wizard once and follow the sequence of steps. Alternatively, you can close the wizard after making one selection, for example a device, and reopen it to select the next item.

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Select a device

Open the UFT Mobile wizard from your testing tool. The wizard displays the active workspace name in the top right corner. When selecting a device, you can choose a device by its capabilities or choose a specific device.

Choose a device by its capabilities

If you do not need to test a specific device, you can define a filter to find devices that match your criteria. For example, if you need to test Android version 10 and higher, select the Android OS option in the capabilities panel on the left, and specify an OS version of 10 and higher. UFT Mobile will only show the relevant devices. During record or replay, UFT Mobile checks for an available device that matches selected capabilities.

To choose a device by capabilities:

  • In the Device page of the wizard, click the Choose capabilities tab

  • To automatically set the capabilities according to a specific device, click the button.

  • You can use a wildcard (*) to specify an OS subversion, when using the "Equals" enumerator, for example 8

Tip: To find a device by its exact model and manufacturer, wrap the string in double quotes. For example:

  • "Apple iPhone 6s plus" only finds the iPhone 6s plus.
  • "Apple iPhone 6s" finds iPhone 6s devices.
  • iPhone 6s (without quotes) finds all devices with the string iPhone 6s in their model name.
  • If applicable, select one or more device labs.
    Tencent WeTest devices: WeTest devices need to be connected in advance.

    When you choose multiple labs, UFT Mobile attempts to find a matching on-premises device before accessing devices from other labs. If no matching on-premises device is found, the first matching device will be allocated in the following order:

    • Micro Focus private

    • Micro Focus public (connected)

    • Micro Focus public (not connected). Supported for UFT One only.

    • WeTest (connected)

    • ADF private (connected)

    • ADF public (connected)

    • ADF private (not connected)

    • ADF public (not connected, Highly available)

    • ADF public (not connected, Available)

    • Emulator / simulator

If you are utilizing Service Virtualization, you will also be able to show only those devices enabled for SV. For details, see Set up Service Virtualization (SV).

Choose a specific device

If you want to run your test on a specific device, click the Choose Specific Device tab. You can use the options in the left panel to filter the devices and find the one you need. To search for a device by name, id, model, manufacturer or version use the Device Search button.

Select a device from the devices page of the Wizard.
Click the More button to create a reservation or see device information.

Test native or hybrid mobile applications

This section describes how to use the wizard for testing native or hybrid apps.

To set up a test for a native or hybrid mobile application:

  1. In the Apps page, select one or more apps, or add a new one using Upload application. The wizard automatically filters the apps based on the operating system of the device that you selected in the previous step. You can also filter the apps by workspace.   
    • Certain environments may require you to use the packaged version of an app.
    • Full Device Automation functionality such as cross-app recording and recording of system apps, is not supported in packaged apps. For details, see App packaging and signing services.
  2. Click the Test Options page. Select the appropriate options for your test.

  3. Click Save and Close to save your changes and close the UFT Mobile window.

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Test web applications

This section describes how to use the wizard for testing mobile web applications using the UFTM Browser app, the Chrome emulator, or the Chrome or Safari native mobile browsers.

To set up a mobile web test:

  1. For Android testing, make sure that Chrome is installed and designated as the default browser.

  2. Click the Browser page. Select a browser through which to run Web pages in your test.

  3. Click the Test Options page. Select the appropriate options for your test.

    Tip: For UFT One, you can also set the test options directly from the Web tab in the Record and Run Settings dialog box.

  4. Click Save and Close to save your changes and close the UFT Mobile window.

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Test Options

In the Test Options page of the wizard, you can set the following options for your test:

Selected apps

This section indicates what to do with apps that were selected in the Apps tab of the wizard.

Install Installs all selected apps at the beginning of each record and replay session. If you know that the apps are installed on the device, you do not need to enable this option (required for AWS Device Farm devices).
Restart Restarts the apps at the beginning of the record or replay session.
Uninstall Deletes the apps after the record or replay session.

Launch on start

In this section (not relevant when testing web applications), you indicate what app the device should open when your test begins.

Home Screen No actual app, just the device's Home screen.
UFT Mobile app One of the apps that you selected in the previous step through the Apps tab.
System app Apps that are standard for the operating systems, such as Browser, Settings, SMS, Phone, Camera, Mail, or Calendar.

Device Metrics

Metrics assist in detecting and analyzing issues with the application under test. Indicate which device-related metrics to save during the test run. Only selected metrics will be included in the device control panel window, and in the testing tool’s reports:

CPU CPU consumed by the app during the test run.
Memory Memory consumed by the app during the test run.
Note: Not supported for Android 10 and later.
Free Memory The amount of free memory on the device, during the test run.
Log Creates a log of the run information.
Thermal state* Supported on iOS and on Android 10 and later. For more details on the four thermal states for iOS devices, see the Apple Developer documentation. For more details on the four thermal states for Android devices, see the Android documentation.
Disk space* Includes space in use, and total space available.
WiFi State*

Enables both WiFi state (connected or disconnected) and signal strength (scale of 1-5).

Android: To view these metrics on Android devices running on version 9 and later, Location services must be enabled in the device settings.
On Android 10 and later, to view the SSID, location permission must enabled to allow the Agent app location access at all times.

iOS: SSID is supported only for version 11.

* Available only when using UFT One 15.0.2 and later.

Network Virtualization

In this section you indicate whether to use NV (Network Virtualization) during the test.

Note: This feature is license dependent and will only be displayed if covered by your license.

NV integration must also be enabled by the administrator for this option to be available.

See also: