App packaging and signing services

UFT Mobile supports testing both packaged and non-packaged native and hybrid apps.

In this topic:

When to use a packaged app

Although both packaged and non-package apps are supported by UFT Mobile, packaging is still required in the following cases:

TruClient scripts


To generate transaction response time information.
You must also define Object Exists end events in your TruClient script steps (for native apps).


For photo, video, and fingerprint authentication simulation. iOS GPS simulation also requires a packaged app.

Hybrid apps

When conducting performance testing of hybrid apps.

Additional considerations

There are also some differences between packaged and non-packaged apps in the following areas:

  • Full Device Automation functionality such as cross-app recording and recording of system apps is not supported in packaged apps.
  • Support for touch gestures.
  • Object recognition.
    For more details, see the UFT Mobile Known issues.
    For UFT One, see also the Object Model Reference (OMR) for mobile in the UFT One Help Center.
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Considerations when using non-packaged hybrid apps

When using non-packaged hybrid apps, note the following:

Android apps Remote content debugging must be enabled. For details, see Enable remote content debugging of Android apps.
iOS apps Apps may need to be signed with a Development certificate of either an Apple Developer or Enterprise Account. For the certificates required, see iOS app signing.

UFT Mobile packaging and signing services

UFT Mobile supports testing both packaged and non-packaged native and hybrid apps. This gives you the option of selecting either a packaged app, or the original version, when running a test.

Whenever the content of an app package is changed, for example when the app is repackaged with instrumented UFT Mobile libraries, the app also needs to be re-signed. If the app package is not re-signed, you will not be able to install the app on a device.

Note: You generally do not need to re-sign apps when packaging for labs that support automatic signing with their own certificate (Micro Focus hosted public devices, ADF devices, and WeTest devices).

When you upload an app, by default only the non-packaged version of the app is uploaded. To upload both a packaged and non-packaged version of the app, select the Package the application check box when uploading your app.

Android apps

When the Package and re-sign the application option is selected, Android apps uploaded to the Mobile Lab are automatically packaged with instrumented UFTM libraries and signed with a debug certificate. However, if you want to package an Android app that uses services requiring a private key, such as Google Maps or the Authentication service, you will need to configure the Android app packaging and signing services. For details, see Automatic signing services.
iOS apps

To enable users to sign apps when uploading them to UFT Mobile, the administrator needs to set up Automatic signing services.

If you have not configured the signing services, you will not be able to select the Re-sign the application option on upload.

You can also package and sign apps manually and then upload them to UFT Mobile. For details see, Package an Android app manually or Package an iOS app manually with the packager service.

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Multiple signing services

When working with many devices and workspaces, you may need to use different signing services for your devices. For example, in iOS environments you can only sign up to 100 devices with a single certificate. In addition, you may need to provide a solution for one group without having to rely on the certificate from another group.


  • This feature is available only with a Trial, Enterprise, or Ultimate license. For more details, see UFT Mobile editions.

  • This section is relevant only for the remote packaging service. Although you can add another service in the embedded iOS signing service settings, additional services are not supported with the embedded service and the primary service is always used. For more details, see iOS signing service.

Admin users can define other signing services in addition to the primary service, and assign them to different workspaces. After you assign a signing service to a workspace, all apps uploaded to that workspace will be signed with the iOS signing service defined for that workspace. As an admin, you can also remove signing services, but not the primary one.

Note that the Agents are always signed with the primary service. For details on how to distribute the signed Agents, see View and manage connectors.

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iOS app signing

To test an iOS app with UFT Mobile, you may need to re-sign your app. This section explains when you need to re-sign an iOS app.

Agent apps

The Agent apps must be re-signed with a Development certificate of an Apple Developer Account, and a development provisioning profile belonging to the same account. For details on signing the Agent apps, see Re-sign the Agent apps

Note: You do not need to re-sign the Agent apps for Micro Focus public and private hosted devices, ADF devices, and WeTest devices.

Other iOS apps

The following table details when app signing is required, and what certificates can be used for signing:

Application under Test Mode Re-sign required? Required certificate
iOS native app Packaged app Yes Any type of certificate of either an Apple Developer or Enterprise account
iOS native app Non- packaged app No, unless your organization needs to re-sign the app for some specific reason. Any type of certificate of either an Apple Developer or Enterprise account
iOS hybrid app Packaged app Yes

Development certificate of either an Apple Developer or Enterprise account

iOS hybrid app Non-packed app


Re-sign is not required for the following:

  • Exploratory test recording
  • UFT One 15.0.1 and later only, when Hybrid v2 is enabled. When using App store apps or apps signed with an Enterprise certificate, toggle the Hybrid v2 option in the device control panel to ON.
To identify WebView, development certificate of an Apple Developer account.

Important note for cloud labs:

  • You generally do not need to re-sign apps when packaging for labs that support automatic signing with their own certificate (Micro Focus hosted public devices, ADF devices, and WeTest devices).

  • iOS apps signed with an Enterprise certificate cannot be installed on WeTest devices

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See also: