What's new in UFT Digital Lab

The 24.2 release includes new features and enhancements to browser and mobile testing.

Note: This Help Center covers Digital Lab versions 23.4 - 24.2. Any version specific changes are indicated where relevant.

See also What's new in ValueEdge Digital Lab and What's new in Digital Lab 23.4.

What's new video

Watch the What's New video to learn about the new features included in version 24.2.

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Cloud to local testing

A new tunneling solution allows you to use OpenText cloud devices and cloud browsers to test apps hosted on your private networks. For details, see Cloudflare integration in Administration settings.

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Browser testing

Several improvements are introduced for cloud browsers:

  • Copying and pasting text is supported.

  • You can now close the window of a manual testing session on a cloud browser without removing the session.

  • To make it easier to identify the sessions that are running, the type of browser session is now displayed in the Running sessions tab. Cloud browser details are now also displayed in the browser tab title.

For more details, see Browser lab.

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Device cleanup

Workspace administrators can now control the settings for automatic device cleanup for the workspaces that they administer. In addition to the automatic option, users can also trigger a manual cleanup at the end of a session directly from the remote device display. Cleanup can also be initiated from the Device actions.

For more details, see Administration settings, Manage devices and Device access window.

This feature is supported only on private on-premises and private OpenText hosted devices.

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iOS signing

You can re-sign an app after upload, for example when the Developer certificate or provisioning profile changes. If the automatic iOS signing service is enabled, the app upload can be re-signed from the Applications page. For details, see Manage apps.

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You can now install a specific build or version of an app for testing. Use the new Digital Lab appCounter capability to specify the app upload number. For details, see Digital Lab Appium Capabilities.

The embedded Appium v2 server was upgraded to v2.4.1, and the default Appium version was changed to 2. For details on Appium capabilities, see Digital Lab Appium Capabilities.

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Jenkins plugin

You can upload an app to a specific workspace when running tests with Jenkins. For details, see Jenkins integration.

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Additional Enhancements

The following enhancements are available.

Enhancement Description

Various accessibility improvements to enhance functionality and usability when using a screen reader.

TalkBack testing The audio quality for TalkBack accessibility testing was improved.
Manual testing Drag and drop gesture during manual testing is now also supported on iOS.

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OS versions

This release includes support for Ubuntu (22.04.3).

For details on supported environments, see the Support matrix.

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See also: