Best practices for upgrades

To ensure a smooth upgrade and prevent the loss of data, we highly recommend first performing an upgrade on a test machine, with the same operating system as your production machine. If the upgrade succeeds on the test machine, you can then proceed to upgrade your production server.

Prepare for the upgrade

Before you start the upgrade process:

  1. If you are using the iOS packager service, upgrade it to the new version before you run the upgrade process. For details, see set up automatic app packaging and signing services.
  2. Decide if you would like to upgrade your applications during the upgrade process, as you are prompted during the setup.

    • Apps are upgraded asynchronously. While apps are being upgraded, users can access and continue to use the upgraded server. You can check the upgrade status of an app in the Apps menu of the Lab console.
    • If you do not want to upgrade your apps, you can update the apps after the upgrade. For details, see Upgrade packaged apps.
  3. Back up your existing OpenText Functional Testing Lab database. For details, see Export the embedded database.
  4. Prepare a testing machine with the same operating system as your production environment. Other hardware parameters such as CPU and RAM can be different. This machine serves as a test environment for the upgrade.

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Perform the upgrade

We recommend that you perform an upgrade on the test machine that you prepared above. Upgrade OpenText Functional Testing Lab as follows:

  1. Install your current OpenText Functional Testing Lab server version on the test machine with the same operating system as your production environment.
  2. Import the original database to the test machine. For details, see Migrate the exported data to an external database.
  3. Verify that the import was successful by logging into OpenText Functional Testing Lab on the testing machine and verifying the apps, devices, settings, and additional items as indicated in the Best practices for upgrades below. Note that you are not able to communicate with those connectors, because they were configured to work with the production machine—not the test machine.

  4. Locate the server installation file for the newer version of OpenText Functional Testing Lab and extract its contents on the test machine.
  5. Run the setup file on the test machine as described in Best practices for upgrades. If you encounter any difficulties during the upgrade, contact Support.
  6. Verify that the import was successful by logging into OpenText Functional Testing Lab on the test machine and verifying the apps, devices, settings, and additional items as indicated in the Best practices for upgrades below.
  7. Optional: Attempt to run a test through one of the integrated testing tools.
  8. If all the above information is correct on the test machine, proceed to Best practices for upgrades on your production machine.

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Upgrade checklist

After the upgrade process has completed on the test machine, check the following items to ensure that the upgrade succeeded.

Item Details
Login Log in to OpenText Functional Testing Lab as an admin user.
Users Check that all the users were migrated to OpenText Functional Testing Lab in Administration Administration menu > Users .
Settings Check that all the Administration Settings were migrated from the production environment.
Apps If you chose to upgrade your applications during the upgrade process, make sure that all your apps are visible in the Apps screen.
Connectors Verify that all the connectors are visible in the Devices > Connectors page. Note that you are not able to communicate with those connectors, because they were configured to work with the production machine—not the test machine.
Devices Make sure that you see all the production environment's devices. If you are using iOS devices, re-sign the Agents otherwise the devices will be displayed as disconnected.

If there are any missing items or if you encounter any other issues, contact Support.

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