

A replication option that specifies that all named branches owned by the primary DB site are to be replicated to the replica DB sites. See also Named branch.


A replication option that specifies all named branches on the primary DB site are to be replicated to the replica DB sites, except those that are owned by the replica DB sites. See also Named branch.


To move a Dimensions CM object, such as an item, request, or lifecycle, to another lifecycle state. Only a user with the appropriate role for a state can action the item to another state. See also Object and User.

Administration Console

A Dimensions CM tool for setting up the process model and creating products. For details, see Set up the process model.


When comparing projects, the base project to which other projects, called derivative, are compared in the Project Merge Tool.

When comparing files, the base file to which other derivative files are compared in the default merge tool.

Archive baseline

A restricted variant of a release baseline. Archive baselines use a baseline template that includes all the revision of the item types.

Use the archive baseline to preserve the product at a milestone using the Dimensions Archive, Transfer, and Retrieval (ART) facilities. For details about Dimensions ART, see Administration.


A Dimensions-defined location on a network node where item files are stored. Files are referenced using the same hierarchical folder structure as the items in the project or stream. See also Work area, Deployment area, and Library cache area.


A property of an object that records important configuration information such as creation date, owner, status, description, and the user who last updated the object. See also User-defined attributes.


A requirement for users to confirm their password before they can perform certain actions on an object. The users are presented with a confirmation dialog box if they attempt to update an object’s lifecycle state or attribute that is specified as sensitive.

Base database

The basic instance of a Dimensions CM process model. Each base database has a separate database schema, and can contain one or more products. Products in different base databases cannot reference each other.

Base database site

The location of a base database, which is specified by the physical network node name, Oracle database instance identifier, and the base database name.


A snapshot of a design part or a project or stream at a particular time. Baselines ensure that the design parts and items included in the baseline can be reliably recreated in the future. For example, you might create a baseline before starting a maintenance cycle or assigning further development activities. See also Design baseline, Release baseline, and Archive baseline.

Baseline pedigree

See Pedigree.

Baseline replication

The transfer of baselines and the items contained in the baselines from a main site to one or more replica sites.

Baseline template

A set of rules that determine which items to include or exclude in a release baseline or an archive baseline based on the item type, revision, status, and relationships. There are two types of baseline template:

  • An item baseline template contains a list of criteria relating to item types that is used to construct the baseline.

  • A request baseline template contains a list of criteria for selecting requests whose related items are used to construct the baseline.

Baseline templates are defined in the Administration Console. For details, see Set up the process model.

Baseline type

An attribute of a baseline that determines which user-defined attributes and lifecycle are used for the baseline.

Baseline types are defined in the Administration Console. For details, see Set up the process model.

Batch mode

A method of running a group of Dimensions CM commands together as a script—for example, by running a command file. See also Command file.


A chain of item revisions that follows its own update path. Branches allow product versions to be developed in parallel. For example, a software product might have separate branches for concurrent development of a major release and a maintenance version of the product. Branches can be merged back into the main development path.

Breakdown relationship

A relationship in which a design part (child) is owned by another design part (parent). Breakdown relationships determine the inherited responsibilities for the items or requests associated with a particular design part segment. See also Usage relationship.


Use Dimensions Build to process one or more item revisions into some other form, which can be anything from a single item revision, such as an executable file, to an entire product.

Catalog list

See Primary catalog.


See Request category and Design part category.

Change document

See Request.

Change Manager

A Dimensions CM-defined role for the user who has special authority and privileges in the handling of requests. See also Request.


A changeset is a logical grouping of changes that is created automatically every time that you deliver changes to a stream or project in a repository. Each changeset creates a new version of a stream or project.

Check in

To return a currently checked-out item to the Dimensions CM database.

Check out

To extract an item from the Dimensions CM database, so you can work on it. When you check out an item, Dimensions CM creates a new item revision and places it in your working location. The revision is locked in Dimensions CM so no one else can change it. When you finish working with it, you check in the item.

Client node

A network client (any DFS or NET node) that requires access to the Dimensions CM server.

Code page

Defines the method of encoding characters. A code page encompasses both the different ways characters are encoded on different platforms (EBCDIC on z/OS and ASCII on Windows and UNIX) and differences between human languages. Every item in Dimensions has a code page associated with it, which is defined by the network connection or set individually when running commands from the Dimensions CM command mode.


A Dimensions CM function followed by parameters and qualifiers. For details, see the Command-Line Reference.

Command file

A text file whose contents include one or more Dimensions CM commands. You can run a command file in batch mode using the Dimensions CMD command. For details, see the Command-Line Reference.

Command mode

A method for using Dimensions CM commands. Command mode involves entering Dimensions functions at the operating system prompt, in the Dimensions Execute Command dialog box, or by running a command file. For details, see the Command-Line Reference.


The structure of design parts in a product, or a part of that design structure. See also Design part.

Console window

In the desktop client, a window that shows Dimensions CM commands and the results of those commands. You can type commands directly into the console window.

Content area

In the web client, an area of the screen that displays lists of objects. For example, in the My Current Project/Stream view, the content area shows the items, requests, and baseline that are assigned to you.

Content window

In the desktop client, an area of the screen that displays lists of objects or object trees, depending on your current task. For example, the Request Catalog window shows all requests in a product. A content window can be opened, closed, and minimized, and you can switch between open content windows.


The recipient of one or more releases.


A process that sits in the background listening for TCP/IP connection requests. A daemon starts another process to perform operations required by the connection request.

Database server node

The node in the network where the Dimensions CM database is located.


  • To transfer responsibility for a request, item, or baseline from yourself to another user who does not currently have a role for the object. Delegating an object overrides the normal role assignments made through the design structure.

  • To assign a particular role to a user.

  • To assign the owning site of a request to another Dimensions CM replication site.


The process of updating a project or stream in the repository with the changes made to the corresponding files in the work area.

Delta release

A release that includes only the items that have changed since the previous release.


Moves item revisions, baselines, or requests to a lower stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle. When item revisions are demoted they may then be automatically or manually rolled back. When you demote a request, all the item revisions related to that request, or any of its child requests, are demoted. When you demote a baseline, all the item revisions in the baseline are demoted.


Copies the item files for selected item revisions to the area(s) corresponding to their stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle for the project or stream to which they belong. You cannot deploy item revisions to areas corresponding to a stage that is greater than the stage to which they have been promoted. When you deploy a request, all the item revisions related to that request, or any of its child requests, are deployed. When you deploy a baseline, all the item revisions in the baseline are deployed. Deployment occurs automatically when the items are promoted if the corresponding areas are defined as Deploy by default.

Deploy by default

An option specified for a deployment area such that deployment is automatically scheduled to occur when item revisions are promoted to the corresponding stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle for that area when it is associated with their project or stream. See also Deployment area.

Deployment area

An area that is defined for a project or stream for deploying item files that have reached a particular stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle.


When comparing projects, one of any number of project being compared to the ancestor in the Project Merge Tool.

When comparing files, one of any number of files being compared to the ancestor.

Design baseline

A snapshot of the current product design structure, or a selected portion of it, within the scope of the current project or stream or design part, including all the revisions for each item.

Design baselines provide managers with audit capabilities. You can compare two baselines to see how the product project/stream has developed during the period between them. Developers can continue to modify items included in a design baseline.

Design part

A logical component of a product. Design parts are related groupings of objects, such as modules of code, specifications, and requests. Each design part represents a conceptual component of the design structure of the product. See also Top-level design part.

Design part category

An attribute of a design part that indicates its general purpose. All Request list of a design part have the same category. Categories are defined as part of the process model. For details, see Set up the process model.

Design structure

The hierarchical structure that identifies the design parts of a product and the relationships between them. See also Breakdown relationship and Usage relationship.

Desktop client

A Microsoft Windows-based application that you use to access the Dimensions CM database.

Dimensions CM base database

See Base database.

Dimensions CM database

The collection of Dimensions CM data stored in a structured relational format.

Dimensions network

The collection of nodes that have been defined using the Administration Console or the Network Administration command line interface that form a LAN or WAN network.

Dimensions CM System Administrator

The user responsible for creating, deleting, and maintaining the Dimensions CM database as well as other administrative tasks.

Directory item

An entire directory/folder, including subdirectories and files, that is compressed and stored in Dimensions CM as a single item. A directory item is uncompressed when you check out or get a copy of it in your work area.

Display bar

The navigation area in the desktop client that enables you to open various content windows.

Distributed file system (DFS)

A type of physical network node that can host a Dimensions CM database and store Dimensions CM item libraries.


A set of search criteria that you use to locate and display matching objects. You can save and reuse filters.


See Item format.

Format template

A text file that defines the initial content of an item or request that is created without content. Item format templates can include header substitution variables.


See Command.


To extract a copy of an item revision from the Dimensions CM database so that you can view it without checking it out. When you get an item revision, Dimensions CM leaves the revision in its current state (checked in or checked out) and creates a read-only copy in your work area.

Global project

The project that contains all the projects/streams and items in the base database. Any structural changes made in a project or stream, such as adding, deleting, and moving files, are also reflected in the global project.

The global project is named $GENERIC:$GLOBAL and cannot be deleted. Users assigned to the global project can reference any item revision in any product in the base database to which they are connected.

Global Stage Lifecycle

The Global Stage Lifecycle is the lifecycle that items follow that controls which versions are included in configurations and builds of the project or stream. This lifecycle is defined for the base database. Deployment areas for a project/stream can be associated with these stages, so that item files are copied to those areas when they are deployed to the corresponding stage.


A set of users to which you can assign privileges. Groups provide a manageable way of granting and denying privileges to similar sets of users.

Header substitution variables

Placeholders for text in an item that are expanded dynamically when you check out, get, or preview an item. Header substitution variables must be placed within an item header. You can embed multiple headers anywhere in a file.

Held list

The list of requests that you have created but not yet submitted because you are still working on them. An example is a request that requires a yet-to-be-created screenshot.


A list of requests, items, and baselines that are currently waiting on you for further action. An object is added to your inbox when it is actioned to a state in which you have a role.


An object that represents the physical implementation of a product component. An item could be source code, an executable file, a document, or an image file. Items can also represent data that does not reside in the file system, such as hardware or database objects.

Item format

An attribute associated with an item type in the process model that indicates the internal structure of those items. The item format determines how items of that type are processed during a build.

In the web client, the item format sets the MIME type for the item, which determines how item content is displayed in your web browser.

Item ID

An attribute that identifies an item. The item ID may be automatically generated from the item type and item project file name, or it may be typed in when the item is created.

The same item ID may be used for a family of items whose contents have the same origin, but may:

  • Serve different purposes (different item types).

  • Exist to meet different requirements (different custom lists).

  • Be at a different stage of modification (different revisions).

Item library

A directory/folder that holds the data files for one or more item types in the Dimensions CM database. It can be located on a different network node from the Dimensions CM database containing the items.

Item pedigree

See Pedigree.

Item replication

A process by which Dimensions CM items are transferred between projects. These projects may reside in the same base database or on different databases resident locally or remotely.

Item revision

A specific instance of an item. Whenever you modify and check in an item, a new item revision is created and stored in the Dimensions CM database. Each revision has a full set of attribute, such as modification date, reason for change, and author’s name, so you can trace the history of all changes to an item. Revisions are numbered according to the process model.

Item specification

The unique identifier for an item. Item specifications have the following form:


See also Product IDItem IDVariant, Item type, and Item revision.

Item type

An attribute of an item that indicates the general purpose of that category of item. For example, item types can include source files, documentation files, specifications, or object files.


An attribute of a role that gives the holder permissions and responsibilities above those of other users with the same role. The leader attribute is set up in the Administration Console. For details, see Set up the process model.

Library cache area

An area that is defined in order to contain copies of files whose items are located on a database on a remote server. The purpose is to improve Dimensions CM file get performance. When a user requests a copy of a file by using an operation such as get or check out, Dimensions CM first looks in the library cache area to see if it is already there before attempting to retrieve it from the remote item library.


The set of states and rules for transitions between states defined for a particular object type and design part in the process model.

Local item replication

The transfer of Dimensions CM items from and to projects that have all been defined within the same Dimensions CM base database.

Logical node

The user-defined alias of the remote node. A physical node can have more than one logical name. You can specify an asterisk in this field, to denote that a particular node can connect to any node in the Dimensions network.

Login profile

The login details for your connection to the Dimensions CM database, including your user ID and the database name. A login profile saves all of your connection information, except for your password.

Main catalog

See Primary catalog.


To view the differences and resolve the conflicts between two text items or projects with the result being a single item or project.

Merge configuration file

A text file used to control merge options when starting the Project Merge Tool from the command line.

Merge project

A set of item revisions in a project, baselines, or folder/directory that you want to compare or merge.

Merge Tool

A tool that enables you to compare or merged text items.

Merged baseline

The composite of two or more release baseline, merged baselines, or revised baseline and the selected design part.

Named branch

A valid name for a branch in a particular project. Revisions in a branch include the branch name and the revision ID, separated by a pound (#) sign. For example, the first revision in a named branch called win is win#1.


A type of physical network node that can host a Dimensions CM database, but not Dimensions CM item libraries.

Network object

For TCP/IP this is a socket listed in the services file or its equivalent. It is used by the networking software to communicate between nodes in the network.


See Remote node.


An email message that is sent to subscribed users and groups when a particular event occurs.


A term used to refer collectively to these object types: design parts, items, requests, projects/streams, baselines, releases, and customers.

Object list

A list of objects presented in table form in the content area of the web client.

Object tree

A tree view of a hierarchical object. Dimensions displays the project structure and the design structure of a product in an object tree.

Oracle service

The name of the NET8 service.

On UNIX, this is defined in the Oracle tnsnames.ora file.

On Windows, this is defined using the Net Configuration Assistant option.

Oracle SID

The Oracle system identifier that identifies the database instance.


The creator of a Dimensions CM object. The role of $ORIGINATOR is automatically assigned to the creator of a Dimensions CM object for the duration of its lifecycle. This role may be authorized to action the object.


The relationship of an item to a design part when the item was created or moved. This relationship indicates the part of the product to which the item belongs. All revisions of the item have this relationship to the same design part.

Owning site

The replication site that has ownership of a request when there is replication of a request between Dimensions CM base databases. The site that owns the request is able to update it, whereas other sites can only view its details.


Same as Design part.

Part category

Same as Design part category.

Part change status

The field in the part specification that identifies the modification level of the design part. Previous versions of the design part are closed. Only the latest version has the Open part status. See also Part specification.

Part ID

See Part specification.

Part specification

The unique identifier for a design part. Design part specifications have the following form:


See also Product ID, Part ID, Variant, and Part change status.


A graphical representation of the history of an item, project/stream, or baseline. The pedigree shows how objects are related in time and origin.

Pending list

See Inbox.


See Privilege.

Physical node

The actual machine name of the remote node. You can specify an asterisk in this field, to denote a particular node can connect to any node in the Dimensions network.

Placeholder item revisions

Placeholder items serve to maintain the pedigree of replicated items for item revision "holes." They are owned by the recipient’s Global project. See also Pedigree.

A placeholder item is also a term that refers to items used for files created as a result of a build by build preservation policies.

Primary base database

A Dimensions CM base database that is defined within the context of a replication configuration as the source for a replication process.

Primary catalog

The storage area for active requests. Requests that become inactive may be moved to the secondary catalog by someone with the necessary privilege.

Primary DB site

The site upon which the primary base database is located.

Primary project

The project in the primary DB base database that acts as the source for a replication process.


The ability to perform certain operations, such as creating a project or actioning a request. Administration privileges are set for a base database, and product-level privileges are set for a particular product.

Privilege rule

The conditions under which a user is granted a given privilege.

Process model

A set of user-defined controls that govern the design, development, and maintenance of a product. The process model incorporates your company’s change, version, process, and build policies in order to regulate and improve your development environment.


The top-level object type that provides the context for managing development with Dimensions CM. Every object belongs to a product. The design structure of a product is modeled as a set of related design parts.

Product ID

An attribute that uniquely identifies a product. See also Attribute.

Product Manager

A Dimensions CM-defined role for the user who has special authority and privileges in setting up the process model rules for an individual product and managing the development process.


See user interface profile.


A project is a collection of item revisions that are relevant to a development activity. A project differs from a stream in that it can contain parallel versions of the same items.

Project file name

A name that identifies an item within a project. The project file name may or may not be the same as the actual file name of the item. Also, different projects/streams may refer to the same item using different project file names.

Project Manager

A Dimensions CM-defined role for the user who has special authority and privileges in the handling of projects. The Project Manager sets up and maintains the project/stream folder structure, adds or deletes items, sets the project options that regulate how users work within projects, and locks projects to create baselines.

Project/Stream folder

A folder in the project or stream structure that contains items.

Project Merge Tool

A Dimensions CM tool that enables you to compare or merge projects. When you compare projects, you view the differences between two projects. When you merge projects, you view the differences between two or more projects and resolve the conflicts, with the result being a single project.

Project pedigree

See Pedigree.

Project root folder/directory

The top-level folder/directory that identifies your work area for a project or stream. Items are checked out, checked in, and copied to the working location relative to their location in the project/stream directory.


To move item revision, baselines, or requests to the next stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle. When item revisions are promoted they can then be automatically or manually deployed, meaning that their item files are copied to the corresponding deployment area for the project or stream. When you promote a request, all the item revisions related to that request, or any of its child requests, are promoted. When you promote a baseline, all the item revisions in the baseline are promoted.

Recipient DB site

A site that receives replicated items or requests from a sender DB site.


An association between two objects. Each object type has a set of possible relationships with other object types. You can unrelate items, if necessary, depending on the type of relationship and the state the item is in.

For example, relationships record whether an item is affected by a request, which items are used to build another item, and which items belong to a baseline.

Some relationship types are system-defined, while others are user-defined. The Product Manager can set up user-defined relationship types in the process model.


A snapshot of a design structure or a baseline that you can deliver to a customer or use in integration testing. See also Delta release.

Release baseline

A snapshot of a design structure or a project at a particular time. You create a release baseline to define and build a test or release of the product. A release baseline uses a baseline template to select a single version of each item that matches the criteria in the template. Dimensions CM locks the design parts and items included in the release baseline.

Release folder/directory

A file system directory, external to the Dimensions CM database, that contains copies of all the items in a release.

Release template

A set of rules for selecting which parts of the design structure and item types to include in a release, and which release directory to put them in.

Release templates are created in the Administration Console. For details, see Set up the process model.

Remote item replication

The transfer of Dimensions items to a project that resides in a different base database.

Remote node

A computer on your network that contains files and directories that you want to work with in Dimensions CM. To access these files and directories, you must first log in to the remote node from Dimensions CM.

Replica base database

A Dimensions CM base database that is to receive replicated items or requests, and which may, optionally, replicate items or requests, back to the primary base database.

Replica DB sites

The sites upon which replica base databases are located.

Replica project

The project in the replica base database into which items are to be replicated and from which, optionally, items are to be replicated back to the primary base database.

Replication branch

A named branch that is replicated.

Replication configuration

A controlling definition for a specific replication. It identifies a collection of base database sites (a primary and multiple replicas).

  • For an item replication, it specifies a set of named branches to be replicated.

  • For a baseline replication, it specifies a set of named branches and item types to be replicated.

  • For a request replication, it specifies a set of request types to be replicated.

The configuration also specifies whether a replica should replicate items or requests back to the primary.


An object used to report a defect, suggest an enhancement, or detail other work for a particular product. Requests can include external files (such as requirements or specification documents) as attachments.

Each request type has a lifecycle assigned to it that determines which users may work on the request at each step in the process model.

Request category

One of four groups to which request types are assigned. Each category has its own set of user-defined attributes.

Request list

A list of requests that you can create for your own purposes. For example, you can construct a request list of those requests on which you are currently working.

Request replication

A process by which requests are transferred remotely between Dimensions base databases.

Request type

An attribute of a request that classifies the change described, and indicates the general purpose of the request. Valid types are defined by the Product Manager as part of the process model. A request’s type determines which lifecycle it follows.


An object that represents a planned change to a project. Requests are created in Dimensions RM and are visible in Dimensions CM where you can create requests in response to them.

Revised baseline

A release baseline that is modified in response to requests. Depending on the relationship of item revisions to requests, items may be removed, replaced or added.


See Item revision.


A name, such as Developer or Reviewer, that identifies users with similar responsibilities. Roles are used in lifecycles to grant permissions to action objects. Roles are assigned to users according to the object’s place in the design structure and the user’s responsibilities.

Some roles are built into Dimensions CM, while others are user-defined. Roles are created and assigned in the Administration Console. For details, see Set up the process model.

Roll back

Rolling back a deployment of items removes the associated item files from a deployment area and then automatically redeploys the versions that were there previously. When you roll back a request, all the item revisions related to that request, or any of its child requests, are rolled back. When you roll back a baseline, all the item revisions in the baseline are rolled back.

Role section

A set of attributes that are relevant to users with a particular role in an object’s  lifecycle. Role sections are not restricted to users with that role; they are simply a way of reducing the list of attributes to what the users want to see.

Root folder/directory

See Project root folder/directory.


Standard Dimensions Protocol. Version 2 of the TCP/IP communications protocol is used by Dimensions network connections.

Secondary catalog

The storage area for inactive requests. If you are the Change Manager, you can move requests from the primary catalog to the secondary catalog in order to save space and improve the performance of the primary catalog. Once placed in the secondary catalog, a request can’t be updated. Requests can be moved back to the primary catalog. See also Change Manager.

Secondary catalog list

The list of all requests placed in the secondary catalog by the Change Manager. See also Change Manager.


A condition of a lifecycle state of an object that requires authentication before the user can action the object to or from that state. An attribute can also be marked as sensitive, which requires authentication before it can be updated.

Server node

A node that can host network-accessible Dimensions CM item libraries. This is any DFS node.


The location of a Dimensions CM base database, specified by a network node, Oracle SID, and a Dimensions CM base database name.


An approval level in a lifecycle through which an object must pass. States typically reflect states of approval such as development, test, and release. See also Lifecycle.


The current lifecycle state of an object.


A stream is a container in a Dimensions CM repository for a set of item revisions. Streams are used to isolate the development of features from the main code base. Typically, each development team uses a child stream that has been branched from a parent mainline stream. The child stream is merged back into the mainline as required.

Streams facilitate an iterative ’copy, modify, merge, and merge’ process where developers:

  • Use the Update operation to copy item revisions to a local work area from a repository.

  • Modify the item revisions locally, build, and test.

  • Use the Merge operation to resolve any conflicts with the mainline; build and test the merged item revisions.

  • Use the Deliver operation to commit the merged item revisions to the repository.

A stream cannot contain parallel versions of the same item, and you cannot use functions that operate on individual files, such as check out and check in.


The assignment of users and groups to receive an email notification when specified events occur.

Substitution variable

See Header substitution variables.


To remove a design part or item from further use. The object remains in the Dimensions CM database for existing configurations and baselines that include that design part or item.

Synchronize Wizard

A Dimensions CM tool that enables you to synchronize files in your working location with item revisions in a Dimensions CM project or stream. It compares the files and items and determines the updates necessary to put the repository and working location in step with one-another, and optionally, performs the updates automatically. I can synchronize both the work area and repository with one-another (for projects only) or it can perform an update or deliver.


The project or file that results after you merge two or more projects or files. See also ancestor and derivative.


A file or set of rules that controls an object in Dimensions CM. See Format template, Baseline template, and Release template.

Tip baseline

A snapshot of the latest set of tip revisions for a project or stream. A tip baseline contains only the latest revision of each item and does not use a baseline template.

Top-level design part

The top-most design part of a product’s design structure. It is created when the product is defined. For details, see Set up the process model.


The process of updating a work area with the changes in the corresponding project or stream in the repository.

Upload rules

The rules for uploading files from a location outside the Dimensions CM database and saving them in a project. These rules determine the design part, item format, and item type for these new items. For more information, see Other IDEs.

Usage relationship

The relationship between design parts that are reused in the design structure. See also Breakdown relationship.


A member of the project team who has been authorized and given privileges to use Dimensions CM.

User interface profile

A set of features that are shown or hidden in the client tools for a particular user or group. UI profiles simplify the UI and enable users to quickly find and focus on their specific tasks. UI profiles do not enforce security. See Privilege.

User list

See Request list.

User-defined attributes

A set of attributes that can be defined to collect custom information for different object types. User-defined attributes can be used to customize the layout of requests by including them in format templates.


An alternative implementation of a design part or item, usually to meet different standards or customer requirements. Variants are identified by a field in the part specification of an item specification.


A general term for an item revision, or for the part change status of a design part.

Web client

A Web-based application that enables you to use a web browser to access the Dimensions CM database.

Work area

A location on your local hard drive, on a remote node, or on a network drive that you use to check out, check in, get, and add items. This working location is a value that you set as the default for a project you are working on.

A work area can also be a Dimensions CM-configured area, which is an area defined in the database referencing a location on disk to be used for files under development.

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