What's new in 14.5.2

Dimensions CM 14.5.2 contains the following new features and enhancements:


Pulse has been renamed to PulseUno. The current release is 20.1. For details, see What's new in 20.1.

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Support for Jira external requests

Dimensions CM now supports Atlassian Jira as an external request provider.

Main features:

  • Map Jira Server and Cloud repositories to Dimensions CM products.
  • List Jira issues in your inbox and mark requests as favorites in Dimensions CM clients.
  • Relate Jira issues to items, projects, and baselines.
  • View Jira issue relationships in Dimensions CM clients.
  • Revise baselines with Jira issues.
  • Merge Jira issues across streams.

Additional features:

  • Support for OAuth and basic authentication.
  • New enhanced external request picker in all rich (GUI) clients.
  • Full support for external requests in the web client.
  • Support for Jira issues in PulseUno including pull requests and reviews.
  • Support for Jira issues in the command-line clients: dmcli and the Git Client integration

For details, see:

Configure Jira provider

View and manage requests from multiple providers

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Support dropped for Java applets and Adobe Flash

For security reasons, modern browser do not support Java applets and Adobe Flash. Web client reports are now JavaScript-based. To access local file systems for version management operations, Java applets are replaced by Web Client Tools.

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Other enhancements

  • The last access date for each user is now stored and displayed in the administration console and published views.
  • ALM Octane authentication using API access key (Client ID and Secret).
  • Replicator can replicate to a different product ID on the target site.
  • Support for Windows 10 native smart card authentication.
  • You can stop and restart the deployment server without having to stop and restart the Dimensions CM listener using the dmdeploysrv_control utility.
  • Dimensions Build has been updated to use a Spring Framework instead of Struts libraries.
  • Dimensions CM switches from Blowfish to AES 128 encryption for sensitive data such as passwords in network protocol messages and database tables. To use AES 256, add the following variable to server and agents dm.cfg files: DM_ALLOW_AES_STRENGTH_UPGRADE yes
  • ZSTD is used instead of ZLIB for faster and improved compression of network transfers. ZSTD reduces network traffic by 30% and lowers CPU usage.
  • Performance enhancements to update, merge, and deliver operations.
  • (Windows) Dimensions CM can install and configure a PostgreSQL 12 database.

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Download the Help Center

By default, Dimensions CM uses the version of the Help Center in the cloud. You can switch to the local mode and save the Help Center locally. For details, see Download Help Center.

See also: