Add item libraries

For any item type, you can create and modify an item library in the Administration Console.

To work with item libraries, you need the Manage Libraries privilege.

Define a default item library

In the Object Types section of the Administration Console, you can add the default item library for a product.

The default library is used for storing all item types in the product, unless a specific library is defined for an item type.

To define a default item library:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Object type definitions.

  2. In the Object Types navigation pane, select an item type.

  3. In the content pane, select the Item Library tab.

  4. To add a default library, in the Item Library section, click the Add default library button. The Add Default Library dialog box opens.

    To change the existing default library, in the Item Library section, click the Edit default library button. The Edit Default Library dialog box opens.

  5. Specify the connection and protection details:

    Field Description

    Host Name

    Enter the hostname of the network node on which you are creating the library. For details, see Define the host node.

    Note: You cannot use logical nodes.

    Directory Path

    Specify the path to the item library directory on the host node.

    For UNIX and Windows, enter an absolute path ending with a slash. For details, see Set the folder path.

    Caution: Do not set item libraries to the root directories of Windows drives or shares. This is not supported and may cause operations to fail.


    (Optional) Specify the required protection level for the item library directories.

    Enter the protection in the format of the host node operating system. For details, see Set up protection.

    Use Delta Storage (Optional) Select this option to store items using the native Version Manager delta library storage scheme. For details, see Use delta storage.
    Credential set

    Select the credentials to access the remote node on which you are setting up the library.

    For details about credential sets, see Administration.

  6. Click OK.

Note: If you change the location of an item library, you need to move the library files manually to the new location. Dimensions CM does not relocate the library contents.

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Define a specific item library

You can add an item library for a specific item type. The specific item library overrides the default library you set for the product.

To define a specific item library:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Object type definitions.

  2. In the Object Types navigation pane, select the item type for which you want to add the item library.

  3. In the content pane, select the Item Library tab.

  4. To add a new specific library, in the Item Library section, click the Add specific library button. The Add Specific Library dialog box opens.

    • To change the specific library, in the Item Library section, click the Edit specific library button. The Edit Specific Library dialog box opens.

  5. Specify the connection and protection details, as described in Define a default item library.

  6. Caution: Do not set item libraries to the root directories of Windows drives or shares. This is not supported and may cause operations to fail.

  7. Click OK.

Note: If you change the location of an item library, you need to move the library files manually to the new location. Dimensions CM does not relocate the library contents.

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Delete an item library

You can delete item libraries defined in the Administration Console. When you remove a specific library for an item type, the default library (if any) is used for that item type.

To delete an item library:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Object type definitions.

  2. In the Object Types navigation pane, select the relevant item type. If you are removing a default library, you can select any item type.

  3. In the content pane, select the Item Library tab.

  4. To delete the specific library for the item type, in the Item Library section, click the Delete specific library button.

  5. To delete the default library for all item types, in the Item Library section, click the Delete default library.

  6. In the Delete Library dialog box, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

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See also: