Manage prime mappings
In the Administration Console, define the attribute mappings for priming Dimensions CM requests.
Note: This functionality is available for Dimensions CM requests only.
About prime mappings
In the Object Types section of the Administration Console, you can add, modify, and delete a prime mapping for a selected request type.
The Prime Mappings function enables you to create new Dimensions CM requests by copying the details from existing Dimensions CM requests (priming).
When you prime a request, the values of certain attributes from the existing request are copied to certain attributes in the new request. Prime mappings define whether priming is possible between two request types, and which attribute values are copied.
Note: The detailed description (PCMS_CHDOC_DETAIL_DESC) of the existing request is automatically copied to the new detailed description, unless a mapping is defined for the detailed description.
Guidelines for prime mappings:
To create and manage prime mappings, you need the Manage Object Types privilege.
You can create the attribute mappings for priming requests, either for a particular product or across products in the same database.
Priming takes into account any default attribute values set by the Product Manager or individual user.
Priming causes the new request to be related to the product design parts that were affected by the parent request. You can change these relationships after priming is complete.
The attributes for both request types must be defined and declared before you can create a prime mapping.
For details about the Prime Mappings tab, see Object Types content area.
Create a prime mapping
Define the attribute mapping between two request types that applies when one request is primed from another.
To create a prime mapping:
In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Object type definitions.
In the Object Types navigation pane, select the parent request type from which to copy the attributes during priming.
In the content pane, select the Prime Mappings tab.
In the Prime Mappings section, click the New prime mapping button.
In the New Prime Mapping dialog box, specify the details for item types or request types.
In the Prime Mapping wizard, select the child request type and its product, and click Next.
On the New Prime Mapping page, map the attributes between the parent and child request types. Use the Insert row and Remove row buttons to add or delete rows for attribute pairs, as needed.
Field Description Parent Attribute (left) Select the attribute of the parent request type whose contents you want to be copied during priming. Child Attribute (right)
Select the attribute of the child request type to which to copy the contents from the Parent Attribute.
Note: The list includes the Detailed Description, PCMS_CHDOC_DETAIL_DESC, which is not selectable for the parent attribute. If you do not specify a mapping for this attribute, it is copied from the Detailed Description of the parent request.
Click OK.
Modify or delete a prime mapping
To update the current attribute mapping, change the attributes to be copied from the parent request to the child request during priming. You can also remove prime mappings.
To edit or delete a prime mapping:
In the Administration Console, go to Configuration Object Management > Object type definitions.
In the Object Types navigation pane, select the parent request type from which to copy the attributes during priming.
In the content pane, select the Prime Mappings tab.
To delete a prime mapping, in the Prime Mappings section, select the prime mapping, click the Delete prime mapping button, and confirm.
To modify a prime mapping, in the Prime Mappings section, select the prime mapping, and click the Edit prime mapping button.
In the Edit Prime Mapping dialog box, change the attributes to be mapped.
Click OK.
Note: The list of child attributes includes the Detailed Description, PCMS_CHDOC_DETAIL_DESC, which is not selectable for the parent attribute. If you do not specify a mapping for this attribute, it is copied from the Detailed Description of the parent request.
See also: