Define design parts

In the Administration Console, you can create design parts and design part variants.

For an overview of design parts, see About design parts.

Add design parts

You can add design parts under the selected design part (the parent).

When you create a design part, a breakdown relationship forms between it and the parent design part. The design part automatically inherits the role assignments from its parent, unless you make explicit role assignments on the design part. For details about assigning roles, see Assign roles.

To add design parts, you need the Create design part privilege.

To define a design part:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Product Administration > Design part structure.

  2. In the Design Parts window, select a design part to be the parent of the new design part.

  3. On the toolbar, click New, and select Part.

  4. In the New Design Part dialog box, enter the following information:

    Field Description

    Design Part ID

    Enter the name of the new design part, up to 25 characters long.

    A part ID cannot contain colons (:) or semicolons (;).

    Design Part Category Select a design part type. The type determines the design part's lifecycle and user-defined attributes.


    Specify the default variant for the part, up to 128 characters long.

    The default variant is A, unless a different variant was defined for the product.


    Enter the default part change status (PCS) for the new part, which specifies the version number. Use up to 3 characters.

    The default PCS is 1, unless a different PCS value was defined for the product.

    Description Enter a description of the design part, up to 240 characters long.
  5. Select the Attributes tab to specify the values of any user-defined attributes for the design part.

  6. Click OK.

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Add design part variants

You can define a variant of an existing design part. Use a variant to represent an alternative implementation of a design part or item.

To add design part variants, you need the Create design part privilege.

When you define a variant, it is displayed at the same level as the original design part and with the same part ID and PCS value, for example:

PAYROLL:REPORTS.A;1 (original)



After you have defined a variant, you can operate on it like any other design part.

To add a variant design part:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Product Administration > Design part structure.

  2. In the Design Parts window, select the design part from which you want to create a variant.

  3. On the toolbar, click New, and select Variant.

  4. In the New Variant dialog box, enter the following information:

    Field Description
    Variant ID Enter a name for the variant, up to 128 characters long.


    (Optional) Enter a description for the variant, up to 240 characters long.
  5. Select the Attributes tab to specify the values of any user-defined attributes for the variant.

  6. Click OK.

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Define usage relationship

Define a usage relationship between two design parts so that you can reuse a design part in another part of the design structure.

To relate design parts, you need the Relate design part to design part privilege.

Usage relationships may be important when building configurations and baselines.

Note: To include usage relationships in a baseline, make sure to create the usage relationships before building the baseline.

You can break the usage relationship by removing the used design part from the parent design part.

To create a usage relationship between design parts:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Product Administration > Design part structure.

  2. In the Design Parts window, select the design part for which you want to create a usage relationship.

  3. On the toolbar, click Relate.

  4. In the Relate To dialog box, select the design part you want to be used by the selected design part.

    Enter the design part ID, or click the browse button and find the design part the Select Design Part wizard.

  5. Click Yes to create the relationship.

To break a usage relationship between design parts:

  1. In the Design Parts window, select the design part from which you want to break a usage relationship.

  2. On the toolbar, click Unrelate. The Unrelate From dialog box opens, displaying a list of the design parts that are currently related as used by the selected design part.

  3. Select one or more design parts that you want to remove from the selected design part.

  4. Click OK.

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See also: