Item baseline templates

An item baseline template consists of a set of rules for selecting item revisions based on the item's type, revision, status or build stage.


  • There can be one rule for default item types (specified as item type *). This default rule is applied to all relevant items which are not covered by the other rules. The inclusion of a default rule in a template ensures that all relevant items receive consideration for inclusion in a baseline.

  • The simplest baseline template could select the latest revision of all the items in the current project/stream (item type *) and latest edit revision (*LATEST). This baseline template allows manual selection of item revisions to be included in a baseline.

Classes of baseline rules:

  • Rules that operate only on a specified normal lifecycle state or build stage. One of these must be chosen for the selected normal lifecycle state or stage.

  • Rules that do not require a normal lifecycle state to be specified. These correspond to implicit states. They do not apply to build stages.

For details about using rules, see Rule operation.

For brevity, the shortcut codes displayed in the following tables are used.

Baseline rules that operate on a specified normal lifecycle state:

Lifecycle state Shortcut
Latest from state LFS
Most progressed state above specified state or specified state MPS
Specified state or most progressed state SMP
Specified state or next existing state upward SUP
Specified state only EQS

Baseline rules that operate on a specified build state:

Lifecycle state Shortcut
Specified build stage and all next existing build stages upward BUP
Specified build stage only EQB

Baseline rules that do not require a normal lifecycle state to be specified:

Lifecycle state Shortcut
*All revisions *ALL
*Latest edit revision *LATEST
*Latest edit revision at final state in lifecycle *FINAL
*Latest edited revision at the most progressed state *HIGHEST
*Revision built from selected inputs *BUILT
*Revision that makes selected outputs *MADE OF

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See also: