New Attribute Rule dialog box

in the New Attribute Rule dialog box, add a rule to define how an attribute is displayed and updated for a specified transition and role.

Field Description
Attribute name Select the attribute for which you want to create a rule.
From state

Select the state from which the rule applies.

You can also use the following references:

  • $PENDING. A generic reference to any required From state. This user who has the object in their Pending list should specify a state.

  • $TO_BE_DEFINED. The object is checked out (item) or held (request).

To state

To apply the rule to a transition, select the To state.

The To state must belong to the same transition as the From state. An attribute rule applies only to a single transition.


Select a role to associate with the attribute rule.

You can use the following special roles:

  • $ORIGINATOR. Specifies the creator of a particular request, item, or baseline.
  • $ALL_ROLES. Specifies all the roles used in the lifecycle, including $ORIGINATOR.

    If a role has been associated with another attribute rule, then the rule for the individual role overrides the $ALL_ROLES rule.

Required when actioned to the To state

Select this flag to require a value for the attribute before the attribute can be actioned to another state.

By default, the attribute can be actioned even if it doesn't have a value.

Writeable at the From state Select this flag to allow the attribute to be updated by the selected role when the object type is at the From state.
Display in this role section

Select this flag to allow the attribute to be displayed for the selected role and transition.

Caution: For multifield, multivalue block attributes, ensure that all preceding attributes in the multifield block are visible to the user for a given role section and transition. If you have not selected the option Required when actioned to the To state or Writeable at the From state, you need to select Display in this role section for all the preceding attributes in the block. This ensures that the multifield multivalue attribute is displayed correctly in the desktop and web clients.

Keep open Select this option to continue adding more rules without closing the dialog box.

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