New/Edit Selection Criterion dialog box

In the New/Edit Selection Criterion dialog box, define or modify the selection criterion for an area filter. You can filter by a file name pattern, data format, and/or item type.

Field Description
For Area Filter (Display only) Specifies the name of the area filter.
Rule Type (Display only) Specifies whether this is an exclusion or inclusion.
File Path Pattern Match (Optional) Enter the file path pattern of the item files to which the rule applies. For details, see Use file patterns in filters.

Design Part

(Optional) Specify the owning design part to use as a selection criterion for the items.

Enter the design part ID or click the browse button and find the design part.

Recurse Part Structure (Optional) Specify whether to include the child design parts of the selected design part.
Data Format (Optional) Select a data format, which includes the MIME type and file class (ASCII/Binary), to filter by.
Item Type

(Optional) Select the item type to filter by.

Note: You can choose only from item types in your current product.

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