New/Edit Valid Relationship dialog box for requests

In the New Valid Relationship dialog box, create a valid relationship between the selected request type and another request or item type.

In the Edit Valid Relationship dialog box, edit the details of an existing valid relationship.

Note: Valid relationships are not effective if CM Rules have not been set for a particular request type. Any request whose type rules are disabled may have any product item revision related to it, provided its item type rules are also disabled.

Field Description
Request Type (Display only) The request type for which you are creating a valid relationship. It is the parent type in this relationship.
Object Class

Select the class of object, item or request, to relate to the selected request type.

When editing a relationship, you cannot change the object class.

Object Type

Select the product to which the child item or request type belongs, and the item or request type.

When editing a relationship, you cannot change the object type.

Minimum Status Requests only: Select the attribute of the parent request type to contain the recorded minimum status of the related child request types, if the status is to be automatically tracked and recorded by Dimensions CM.
Maximum Status Requests only: Select the attribute of the parent request type to contain the recorded maximum status of the related child request types, if the status is to be automatically tracked and recorded by Dimensions CM.

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