Show Contents dialog box
The Show Contents dialog box displays the details of a replication.
Show Contents: General tab
The General tab of the Show Contents dialog box displays the basic properties for a replication.
The fields vary depending on whether the replication is for item, request, or baseline, and whether it is sent or received.
Field | Description |
Configuration ID | The ID of the configuration for which the replication was run. |
Target/Source Node | The network node to or from which the replication was made. |
Target/Source Database | The base database to which the replication was sent, or the base database that sent the replication. |
Target/Source Workset or Target/Source Baseline |
The project to or from which the items were transferred for an item replication, or the baseline to or from which the items were transferred for a baseline replication. This field is not displayed for a request replication. |
Sent/Received Date | The date and time the replication was sent or received. |
Successful Transfers | The number of items that were successfully replicated. |
Failed Transfers | The number of items that were not successfully replicated. |
Show Contents: Successful/Failed tab
The <Object> Successful tab of the Show Contents dialog box displays a list of baselines, requests, or items that were successfully replicated.
The <Object> Failed displays a list of baselines, requests, or items that failed to replicate.
Field | Description |
Baseline Specification | The full specification of the baseline that was successfully transferred or failed to transfer. |
Field | Description |
Item Specification | The specification of the item that was successfully transferred or failed to transfer. Select the item specification to view the item log. |
Item Filename | The name of the item file. |
Item in Target/Source Project | Project replication only: Whether the item has been transferred to the target project. |
Field | Description |
Request Specification | The full specification of the request that was successfully transferred or failed to transfer. |
See also: