Show Contents dialog box

The Show Contents dialog box displays the details of a replication.

Show Contents: General tab

The General tab of the Show Contents dialog box displays the basic properties for a replication.

The fields vary depending on whether the replication is for item, request, or baseline, and whether it is sent or received.

Field Description
Configuration ID The ID of the configuration for which the replication was run.
Target/Source Node The network node to or from which the replication was made.
Target/Source Database The base database to which the replication was sent, or the base database that sent the replication.

Target/Source Workset or Target/Source Baseline

The project to or from which the items were transferred for an item replication, or the baseline to or from which the items were transferred for a baseline replication.

This field is not displayed for a request replication.

Sent/Received Date The date and time the replication was sent or received.
Successful Transfers The number of items that were successfully replicated.
Failed Transfers The number of items that were not successfully replicated.

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Show Contents: Successful/Failed tab

The <Object> Successful tab of the Show Contents dialog box displays a list of baselines, requests, or items that were successfully replicated.

The <Object> Failed displays a list of baselines, requests, or items that failed to replicate.


Field Description
Baseline Specification The full specification of the baseline that was successfully transferred or failed to transfer.


Field Description
Item Specification The specification of the item that was successfully transferred or failed to transfer. Select the item specification to view the item log.
Item Filename The name of the item file.
Item in Target/Source Project Project replication only: Whether the item has been transferred to the target project.


Field Description
Request Specification The full specification of the request that was successfully transferred or failed to transfer.

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See also: