Example dmpmcli scripts
You can find examples of JavaScript scripts in the following locations:
UNIX | ${installdir}/AdminConsole/examples/ |
Windows | %installdir%\AdminConsole\examples\ |
The following scripts illustrate common Dimensions CM tasks:
Script | Description |
assignedFormatsDemo.js |
assignedTypesDemo.js |
attributeBlockDemo.js |
attributeDemo.js |
attributeRuleDemo.js |
baselineReplConfigsDemo.js |
baselineTemplateDemo.js |
branchDemo.js |
browseTemplatesDemo.js |
buildAreasDemo.js |
buildStagesDemo.js |
chdocRelTypeDemo.js |
CMRulesDemo.js |
copyAttrsDemo.js |
copyRulesDemo.js |
formatsDemo.js |
itemLibraryDemo.js |
itemReplConfigsDemo.js |
itemToItemRelTypeDemo.js |
itemTypeGroupDemo.js |
lifecycleDemo.js |
lifecycleImagesDemo.js |
lifecycleTemplateAssignmentsDemo.js |
lifecycleTransitionsDemo.js |
primingRelDemo.js |
productDemo.js |
relationshipNameDemo.js |
releaseTemplateDemo.js |
renameAttributeDemo.js | Renames an attribute's ID within the base database. |
reportsDemo.js |
roleAssignmentsDemo.js |
roleDemo.js |
typesDemo.js |
typesUsingAttrsDemo.js | Lists all object types using an attribute definition. |
validRelTypesDemo.js |
validsetsDemo.js |
validsetValuesDemo.js |
See also: