Supported Dimensions CM components

The dmpmcli scripting interface includes support for the following Dimensions CM components.

Component Supported operations

Attribute Blocks

  • List existing attribute block definitions.

  • Create a new attribute block definition for an object type.

  • Update an attribute block definition.

  • Delete an attribute block definition.

  • List attributes assigned to an attribute block's columns.

  • Assign attributes to, or unassign attributes from, an attribute block's column.

Attribute Definition

  • List existing attribute definitions.

  • Create a new attribute definition for an object type.

  • Update an attribute definition.

  • Unassign an attribute definition from an object type; and delete it (optional).

  • List types assigned to an attribute definition.

Base Database

  • Log in to Dimensions CM.

  • Log out from Dimensions CM.

  • Authenticate a user to perform tertiary node access to items located on a remote node.

Baseline Template

  • List existing baseline templates.

  • Create a baseline template.

  • Delete a baseline template.

  • List baselines using a baseline template.

  • Copy baseline template rule definitions between baseline templates.

Baseline Template Rule

  • List existing baseline template rules.

  • Create a baseline template rule.

  • Delete a baseline template rule.

  • Update a baseline template rule.

Build Areas

  • List existing build areas.

  • Create new build area definition.

  • Update a build area definition.

  • Delete a build area definition.

Build Projects

  • List existing build projects.

  • Create new build project definition.

  • Update a build project definition.

  • Delete a build project definition.

  • List projects assigned to a build project.

Build Stages

  • List existing build stages.

  • List lifecycle states using a build stage.

  • List build areas defined for a build stage.

Request Relationship Type

  • List defined request relationship types.

  • Create a relationship type.

  • Delete a relationship type.

  • Update a relationship type.

Request Type CM Rules

Define and/or update the Change Management (CM) rules.

For details about the CM rules, see Use Change Management rules.

File Format

  • List existing formats.

  • Create a new format.

  • Update format attributes.

  • Delete a format.

Item, Request, and Baseline Replication Configurations

  • List existing item and baseline replication configurations.

  • Create new replication configuration.

  • Update a replication configuration definition.

  • Delete a replication configuration definition.

Item To Item Relationship Type

  • List item to item relationship types.

  • Create an item to item relationship type.

  • Delete an item to item relationship type.

  • Update an item to item relationship type.

Item Type CM Rules

Define and/or update the Change Management (CM) rules.

For details about the CM rules, see Use Change Management rules.

Item Type Group

  • List defined item type groups.

  • Assign an item type to an item type group.

  • Unassign an item type from an item group.

  • List types assigned to an item type group.

  • List release templates assigned to an item group.

Item/Request Browse Templates

  • List existing browse template revisions.

  • Create a template revision.

  • Delete a template revision.

  • Import a file into a template revision.

  • Export a file from a template revision.


  • List existing lifecycles.

  • Create a new lifecycle.

  • Update lifecycle attributes.

  • Delete a lifecycle.

  • List the types using a lifecycle.

  • List assigned image revisions.

  • Assign or unassign default image revisions to a lifecycle.

Lifecycle and Browse Template Assignments at Design Part Level

  • List existing assignments for a request type.

  • Create a new assignment.

  • Delete an assignment.

Lifecycle Image Revision

  • List lifecycle image revisions assigned to a lifecycle.

  • Create an image revision.

  • Delete an image revision.

  • Import a file into an image revision.

  • Export a file from an image revision.

Lifecycle State Transition

  • List a lifecycle's state transitions.

  • Create a new transition.

  • Delete a transition.

  • Add roles to, and remove roles from, the list of roles authorized to perform a transition.

  • Rename a state.

  • Delete a normal state.

Object Type

For all object types:

  • List existing object types.

  • Create an object type.

  • Update an object type definition.

  • Delete an object type definition.

  • Assign or unassign a lifecycle.

  • Define attributes and attribute blocks.

  • Copy attributes between object types.

For item types:

  • List assigned file formats.

  • Assign or unassign a file format.

  • Assign or unassign a default template revision to an item/request object type.

  • Define, update or delete item libraries and/or the default item library.

  • Define the Change Management rules.

For request types:

  • Assign or unassign a default template revision to an item or request object type.

  • Define the Change Management rules.

Priming Relationship

  • List priming relationships defined for a request type.

  • Create a priming relationship.

  • Delete a priming relationship.

  • List attribute mappings.

  • Add and/or delete attribute mappings.


  • List existing products.

  • Create a new product.

  • Update a product definition.

  • Delete a product.


  • List existing projects.

  • Create new project definition.

  • Update a project definition.

  • Delete a project definition.

  • List build areas defined for a project.

Relationship Names

  • List relationship names defined in a base database.

  • Create a relationship name.

  • Delete a relationship name.

  • Update a relationship name.

  • List item to item relationship types using a relationship name.

Release Template

  • List existing release templates.

  • Create a release template.

  • Delete a release template.

  • List releases using a release template.

  • Copy release template rule definitions between release templates.

Release Template Rule

  • List existing release template rules.

  • Create a release template rule.

  • Delete a release template rule.

  • Update a release template rule.


  • List existing roles.

  • Create a new role.

  • Update role attributes.

  • Delete a role.

Role Assignment

  • List existing role assignments.

  • Add a role assignment.

  • Delete a role assignment.

User Report Definitions

  • List existing user report definitions.

  • Create a new report definition.

  • Update a report definition.

  • Delete a report definition.

  • Assign report files to, or unassign report files from, report definitions.

User Report Files

  • List existing report files.

  • Create a new report file.

  • Delete a report file.

  • Import a file into a report file.

  • Export the contents of a report file.

Valid CM Relationship Type

  • List valid Change Management relationships defined for a request type.

  • Create a valid relationship type.

  • Delete a valid relationship type.

  • Update a valid relationship type.

Valid Sets

  • Add a valid set object.

  • Delete a valid set object.

Version Branch

  • List existing branches.

  • Create a new branch.

  • Update branch attributes.

  • Delete a branch.

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See also: