Use the object model

This section provides a summary of interfaces, classes, and collection interfaces for dmpmcli.

Note: For performance reasons, running Dimensions CM commands from dmpmcli using BaseDatadabase.instance.runCommand() does not refresh the object model collections.

Interface summary

The following table describes dmpmcli interfaces.

Interface Description
AttributeBlock Represents an attribute block (a multivalue, multifield attribute definition).


Represents one of the following attribute definitions:

  • Single-value, single-field.

  • Single-value, multifield.

Contains the collection of assigned object types.

Baseline Represents a baseline.
BaselineReplicationConfiguration Represents a baseline replication configuration.
BaselineTemplate Represents a baseline template and contains a collection of assigned baseline template rules.
BaselineTemplateRule Represents a baseline template rule.
BuildArea Represents a build area.
BuildProject Represents a build project.
BuildStage Represents a build stage.
ChangeDocumentType Represents a request type, and contains the collection of assigned browse templates.
ChangeDocumentTypeCMRules Represents a request type's change management rules.
ChdocRelationshipType Represents a request relationship type.
ChdocReplicationConfiguration Represents a request replication configuration.
DimensionsObject A marker interface representing a generic Dimensions CM object.
DimensionsObjectDetails A marker interface representing generic details of a Dimensions CM object.
FileFormat Represents a file format.
ItemLibrary Represents an item type's item library or the default item library.
ItemRemoteSubordinate Represents a remote subordinate definition used by item replication configurations.
ItemReplicationConfiguration Represents an item replication configuration.
ItemToItemRelationshipType Represents an item to item relationship type.
ItemType Represents an item type and contains the collection of assigned file formats.
ItemTypeCMRules Represents an item type's change management rules.
ItemTypeGroup Represents an item type group.
Lifecycle Represents a lifecycle and contains collections of lifecycle state transitions, assigned object types, and lifecycle image revisions.
LifecycleAndTemplateAssignment Represents a lifecycle and browse template assignment for a request type at the design part level.
LifecycleImageRevision Represents a lifecycle image revision.
LifecycleTransition Represents a lifecycle state transition and contains the collection of roles authorized to perform the transition.
LocalSubordinate Represents a local subordinate definition used by item replication configurations.
PrimingRelationship Represents a priming relationship and associated primed attribute mappings.
Product Represents a product and contains collections of role assignment details, object types, baseline templates, release templates, browse templates, request relationship types, and valid sets.
Project Represents a Dimensions CM project.
ProjectStage Represents a Dimensions CM project stage.
RelationshipName Represents an item to item relationship name.
Release Represents a release.
ReleaseTemplate Represents a release template and contains a collection of assigned release template rules.
ReleaseTemplateRule Represents a release template rule.
RemoteSubordinate Represents a remote subordinate definition used by baseline replication configurations.
Replication Represents the replication administration tool.
ReplicationConfiguration Represents an abstract replication configuration.
ReplicationSubordinate Represents an abstract subordinate definition.
Report Represents a user report definition.
ReportFile Represents a report file.
Role Represents a project role.
TemplateRevision Represents an item/request type browse template revision.
Type Represents an object type, and contains collections of attribute blocks, attribute definitions and attribute rules.
ValidRelationshipType Represents a valid relationship type.
ValidSet Represents a valid set.
VersionBranch Represents a version branch.

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Class summary

The following table describes dmpmcli classes.

Class Description
AttributeBlockDetails Represents details of an attribute block.
AttributeDataType Represents predefined attribute data types.
AttributeDetails Represents details of an attribute definition.
AttributeMappingDetails Represents an attribute mapping used in priming.
AttributeRuleDetails Represents the details of a Dimensions CM attribute rule.
AttributeType Represents predefined attribute types.
defaultDatabase Represents the root of the object hierarchy. Authenticates users and contains collections of version branches, file formats, item type groups, lifecycles, products, relationship names, and roles.
BaselineReplicationConfigurationDetails Represents details of a baseline replication configuration.
BaselineTemplateDetails Represents details of a baseline template.
BaselineTemplateRuleDetails Represents details of a baseline template rule.
BuildAreaDetails Represents details of a build area.
BuildProjectDetails Represents details of a build project.
ChdocRelationshipTypeDetails Represents details of a request relationship type.
ChdocReplicationConfigurationDetails Represents details of a request replication configuration.
ChdocSuperType Represents predefined request super types.
CMPhasePermissions Encapsulates permissions on operations that may be applied to requests, when they are at certain predefined lifecycle phases.
FileFormatDetails Represents details of a file format.
FileFormatType Represents predefined file format types.
ImplicitStateCode Encapsulates predefined implicit state shortcut codes used by Dimensions CM baseline template rules that do not require a normal lifecycle state to be specified.
ItemLibraryDetails Represents details of an item library.
ItemRemoteSubordinateDetails Represents details of a remote subordinate definition used by item replication configurations.
ItemReplicationConfigurationDetails Represents details of an item replication configuration.
ItemToItemRelationshipTypeDetails Represents details of an item to item relationship type.
ItemTypeGroupDetails Represents details of an item type group.
LifecycleAndTemplateAssignmentDetails Represents details of a lifecycle and browse template assignment for a request type at the design part level.
LifecycleDetails Represents details of a lifecycle.
LifecycleImageRevisionDetails Represents details of a lifecycle image revision.
LifecycleTransitionDetails Represents details of a lifecycle state transition.
LocalSubordinateDetails Represents details of a local subordinate definition used by item replication configurations.
OsType Represents predefined OS types used by user-defined report definitions.
PrimingRelationshipDetails Represents details of a priming relationship.
ProductDetails Represents details of a product.
ProjectDetails Represents details of a Dimensions CM project.
ProjectStageDetails Represents the details of a Dimensions CM project stage.
PseudoBranches Represents predefined pseudo branches used by Dimensions CM replication configurations.
RelationshipClass Encapsulates the system-defined request relationship types Info and Dependent.
RelationshipNameDetails Represents the details of an item type relationship name.
ReleaseTemplateDetails Represents details of a release template.
ReleaseTemplateRuleDetails Represents details of a release template rule.
RemoteSubordinateDetails Represents details of a remote subordinate definition used by baseline replication configurations.
ReplicationConfigurationDetails Represents details of an abstract replication configuration.
ReportDetails Represents details of a user report definition.
ReportFileDetails Represents details of a report file.
ReportScope Encapsulates predefined Dimensions CM report scopes.
RoleAssignmentDetails Represents details of a role assignment.
RoleCapability Represents predefined role capabilities.
RoleDetails Represents details of a role.
RuleStateSelector Encapsulates predefined baseline template rule state selectors.
TemplateRevisionDetails Represents details of a template revision.
TransitionRoleDetails Represents details of a Dimensions CM role authorized to perform a lifecycle state transition.
TypeDetails Represents details of an object type.
TypeOptions Represents predefined object type options that might be enabled for a specific class of an object type.
TypeScope Represents predefined object type scopes.
ValidRelationshipTypeDetails Represents details of a valid relationship type.
ValidSetDetails Represents details of a valid set.
ValidSetRowDetails Represents an eight column row of a valid set.
VersionBranchDetails Represents details of a version branch.

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Collection interface summary

The following table describes dmpmcli collection interfaces.

Collection interface Description
AttributeBlocks Contains all attribute blocks in a product.
AttributeDefinitions Contains all attribute definitions in an object type.
BaselineTemplates Contains all baseline templates in a base database.
BaselineTemplateRules Contains all baseline template rules in a baseline template.
BuildAreas Contains all build areas defined for a project or build stage.
BuildProjects Contains all build projects in a base database.
BuildStages Contains all build stages in a base database.
ChdocRelationshipTypes Contains all request relationship types in a product.
DimensionsObjectCollection Contains the common interface of the Dimensions CM collection hierarchy.
FileFormats Contains all file formats in a base database.
ItemTypeGroups Contains all item type groups in a base database.
LifecycleImageRevisions Contains all lifecycle image revisions for a lifecycle.
Lifecycles Contains all lifecycles in a base database.
LifecycleStates Contains lifecycle state objects (cannot be modified).
LifecycleTransitions Contains all lifecycle state transitions in a lifecycle.
LocalSubordinates Contains all local subordinates for an item replication configuration.
Products Contains all products in a base database.
Projects Contains all projects in a base database.
ProjectStages Contains all project stage objects that are defined for a project.
RelationshipNames Contains all relationship names in a base database.
ReleaseTemplateRules Contains all release template rules in a release template.
ReleaseTemplates Contains all release templates in a base database.
RemoteSubordinates Contains all remote subordinates for an item or a baseline replication configuration.
ReplicationConfigurations Contains all replication configuration definitions scoped by replicated object type.
ReportFiles Contains all report files in a base database.
Reports Contains all user report definitions in a base database.
Roles Contains all roles in a base database.
TemplateRevisions Contains all template revisions defined for an item or request type.
Types Contains all object types of the same scope in a product.
ValidSetRows Contains all valid set rows in a valid set.
ValidSets Contains all valid sets in a product.
VersionBranches Contains all version branches in a base database.

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Supported collection operations

The following table describes the collection operations that apply to the collection interfaces listed in the Collection interface summary.

Component Supported operations
Object add(ObjectDetails details)

Adds a new Dimensions CM object to the collection.

Typically, the creation of a Dimensions CM object requires many arguments. To deal with this relative complexity, the object model provides a number of ObjectDetails objects classes that represent information required to create a Dimensions CM component.

Normally, you create an ObjectDetails object and pass it to the collection's add method.

Object get(String name)

Object get(

String namePart1,

String namePart2)

Returns an existing Dimensions CM object from the collection.

If null is returned, the object was not found. Some collection objects are identified by a pair of 'names' (for example, a Lifecycle Transition is uniquely identified by its 'From State' and 'To State'). In such cases, the corresponding collection provides a convenient method, by accepting all components of a 'name' as parameters.

ObjectDetails remove(Object obj) Removes a Dimensions CM object from the collection, and returns an ObjectDetails object that represents the removed object.
Iterator iterator() Returns a java.util.Iterator object over the names of the collection objects.

void refresh()

Reloads the objects in the collection in order to reflect the current contents of the base database. You need to reacquire references to the collection's objects after calling this method.

Note: Changes to the data in the base database that are made by other processes (for example, the Administration Console or other dmpmcli sessions) after the collection was accessed for the first time, might not be automatically reflected in the collection unless the refresh() method is explicitly invoked.

int size() Returns the number of objects in the collection.

Note: Both add and remove methods automatically commit changes to the database.

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See also: