Action Dimensions CM requests and items

In the Eclipse IDE, you can action a Dimensions CM request or a related item to its next lifecycle state or any other valid state in the request's lifecycle.

Normal Dimensions CM rules allow only transitions that are valid. After selecting the next state, you can choose to delegate the request to a particular role. To action requests to another state, you need the appropriate role for a given state.

Action a single request

You can action a Dimensions CM request from your inbox or favorites.

To action a request:

  1. Right-click the request, and select Action. The Action Request wizard opens.

  2. On the Select Lifecycle State page, do one of the following:

    • To action to the next normal lifecycle state, select Next lifecycle state. If the next normal lifecycle state has more than one transition, select one from the list.

    • To action to any valid state, select To specific state, and select a state from the list.

    Click Next.

  1. On the Modify Request Attributes page, do the following:

    1. For Role Section, select an appropriate role.

    2. On the Attributes table, enter or select values. Attributes in bold are required and are marked with a when they need a value. Attributes in italics cannot be modified.

    Click Next.

  1. On the Delegate to Other Users page, do the following:

    1. From the Roles list, select the role to which you want to delegate.

    2. For Users, select the level of responsibility for the role:

      • To assign a role with sole responsibility for the request, select Leader.

      • To assign a role with primary responsibility for the request, select Primary.

      • To assign a role that acts as a backup to the primary role, select Secondary.

    3. To delegate the selected role to one or more users, select users in the Available Users list, and click Assign.

    4. To replace all the users in the Assigned Users list with the selected users in the Available Users list, click Replace.

    5. To remove the role assignment from a user, select the user in the Assigned Users list, and click Remove.

    6. To delegate all related items to these users, select Delegate related items.

    7. Click Next.

  1. (Optional) On the Add a Comment page, enter a comment, and click Next.

  2. On the Summary page, verify the action you are to perform.

  3. Click Finish.

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Action multiple requests

You can action multiple Dimensions CM requests at the same time, but they must be of the same request type, for example, CR.

To action multiple requests:

  1. Select multiple requests, right-click, and select Action. The Action Requests wizard opens.

  2. On the Select Lifecycle State page, from the To Specific State list, select a state. Click Next.

  3. On the Delegate to Other Users page, do the following:

    1. From the Roles list, select the role to delegate.

    2. For Users, select the level of responsibility for the role:

      • To assign a role with sole responsibility for the request, select Leader.

      • To assign a role with primary responsibility for the request, select Primary.

      • To assign a role that acts as a backup to the primary role, select Secondary.

    3. To delegate the selected role to one or more users, in the Available Users list, select the users, and click Assign.

    4. To replace all the users in the Assigned Users list with the selected users in the Available Users list, click Replace.

    5. To remove the role assignment from users, select the users in the Assigned Users list, and click Remove.

    6. To delegate all related items to these users, select Delegate related items.

    7. Click Next.

  1. (Optional) On the Add a Comment page, enter a comment, and click Next.

  2. On the Summary page, verify the action you are to perform.

  3. Click Finish.

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Action an item related to a request

You can action an item related to a particular Dimensions CM request to its next lifecycle state, or any other valid state in the request's lifecycle. Normal Dimensions CM rules only allow transitions that are valid. After the next state has been selected, you can choose to delegate the request to a particular role.

You can action a request from your inbox or favorites.

To action an item related to a request:

  1. In a request list, double-click a Dimensions CM request to open a request editor. Then select the Related tab.

  2. Right-click the item to action, and select from the following actions:

    Compare Compare the differences between the two previous actions. You must select two item revisions to enable compare. Compare launches the Compare Editor.
    Action Action the item to another lifecycle state. This command launches the Action wizard.
    Action all In Response To Action all of the related items that are marked as In Response To this request. The command launches the Action wizard.
    Show History View the Item Revision History for the item.
    Browse Browse the item in the editor.
    Open Item Properties View the properties for the item.
  1. Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

If you close the request editor or exit Eclipse without saving, Eclipse prompts you to save the changes. Select the requests to save.

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