File status glyphs

In the Eclipse Explorer views, file icons are modified to represent the file's current source control status.

The following table provides some examples.

Glyph Status

Under source control.

A gold repository glyph is displayed on the file/folder icon, for example:

Checked out to you.

A checkmark is displayed on the file/folder icon, for example:

Checked out to multiple users.
Multiple revisions are checked out to different users, but not to you.
Checked out to another user.

Modified locally.

If the file is checked out and has been locally modified, a pencil and checkmark appear on the file/folder icon, for example:

Exclusively checked out. This appears if the item is set to allow just one revision to be checked out at a time.
Locally deleted.
Locked by another user in the stream.

Locked by the current user. For example:

Deleted in the repository by another user.
Locally writable.
Newer revision exists in the repository. Bracketed revision number is displayed to the right of the current local revision number.

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